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Chapter 014: Two Crowns Against Each Other.

"His Supreme Majesty, The Great Pharoah and Her Royal Highness Princess Zaya." The herald announced the arrival of Pharoah.

Immediately all the wives rose up at the sound of the trumpet blared to honour Pharaoh's presence. They turned to see the royal twins of egypt walking into the garden along with their entourages and retinues head bowed striding behind them.

The great king was wearing his great ever-cryptic half smile. He is still looked dashing despite the fact that he is aged.

Not to mention his beautiful sister Zaya, a woman of elegance in her mid forties, was the striking resemblance of Sitre, her mother. The former chief wife of the Late Pharoah Rameses I.

Highly Spirited and graceful, Zaya walked into the garden alongside her twin brother wearing a turquoise sheath dress with pleated linen, and a gold broad collar wrapped around her neck, her chestnut brown hair was decorated with golden accessories as well, with golden armbands bearing the cartouche of her brothers insignia, and finally a golden diadem which reared itself on her head and over her brow. She was indeed egypt's first princess.

Pharaoh too was indescribable, one could tell his presence had a huge effect on his wives. It could cause the water to stand still as time, even causing a mere servant to quiver from afar.

Sethi was dressed in a white tunic, a flowing fabric, sand silk was it's color, and its colors were weightless the way it sat upon the skin, especially the flowing garb; any hint of a breeze captured by the clothing, revealed the genius of the design.

His golden broad collar, armbands and sandals were electric. Even the golden crown which reared on his head spoke nothing but dominance.

When he finally got to the banquet table and everyone gave him obeisance, quickly with a glance, he scrutinized all of them and sits, instantly he waved his hand and so they followed thus, seated.


The banquet, which was meant to be lively, became boring and dry, even though the musers played sweetly, no one made a sound. One could tell, Pharoah suspected something was wrong.

Even though the banquet was a lavished with solemn music, good ambiance, dance performances and tricks to cause laughter, good food and most of all good wine, it still didn't show any signs of joy on their faces, especially his two fierce wives, Tuya and Kashi.

He noticed a dissimilar between them, on a norms they would have asked for anything  or an increasement in their treasury but nothing of that sort was addressed, instead they all ate in silence, not even a cough nor a gesture was made and he despised it.

He hates the fact that his wives aren't talking each other, especially not with him. But as Pharoah, nothing happens in his kingdom without his knowledge, so instead of letting it slide, he had to get to the bottom of the matter, he had to let the cat out the bag. So, without hesitation, he began a conversation.

"I'm told Karan has refused to attend the academy despite how you've tried to connivince him, is that true Kiya?" Pharoah asked his fifth wife, as all eyes turn to her expect for Tuya and Kashi who stared down at their food, plotting against each other in her minds

Kiya looked at Pharoah as their eyes locked, waiting for her response, she smiled and replied ironically. "Well, what can i say Great One, the prince doesn't want to learn, instead he wants to draw and paint pyramids."

"Pyramids?" Pharoah chuckled. "You mean to say he wants to be an architect."

"Well......Great One, you've said it yourself." Kiya added, Pharoah bobs his head. "Very well, if you say so I won't oblige. But, if he wants to draw and paint pyramids, he needs to go the academy and learn, he needs to be educated if he wants to be part of my kingdom and I hope you understand what I mean by that Kiya.............. No son of Pharoah will be an illiterate!" He said firmly.

Queen of Egypt: The Rise Of Nefertiri {Book One} || 2019Where stories live. Discover now