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Chapter 012: The Fate Of Deities

"For many years, only those with royal blood have ruled Egypt, why now should a commoner mount the golden throne." Thoth blurted out.

"Infact, we all know that all the Queens who ruled alongside Pharoah were from royal bloodlines, women of noble births." Tefrunt, a lion headed goddess vents in anger.

"We forbid your request Hathor, we will never allow that..... Blasphemy." Ma'at hissed. The argument continued profusely with anger, staring daggers at the goddess of love.

With a sharp sound, Ra shuns them abruptly. "Silence! All of you." He says as everyone kept quiet.

"This council was formed to discuss deeper issues not for some mere squabbles." Ra exclaimed. "If anyone has something to say or if a suggestion is made, we trash the issue and either we agree to it or disagree." He added.

"I heard everything about you all coming to a conclusion of coming to earth, and that will never happen. The human race will not be tampered with. So let this sound a warning, henceforth the idea of living amongst the mortals will cease to be discussed." He warned.

"Now, lets talk about the future Queen of Egypt. What do you suggest we do this case Isis" Ra asked the goddess of fertility.

"Supreme one, nothing can be done, I suggest we live it to the Chief Wife and the Empress to choose the maiden to be Rameses future wife, as it has been their tradition for years, even the ones before them." Isis replied. Hathor cuts her off.

"Traditions can be changed, it's not a must for the next generation to follow their ancestors footsteps. We are the gods we make the laws." Hathor stated, Isis raised a brow.

"And what about the prophecy of Bast." Hathor said.

"What prophecy are you talking about Hathor, Bast always prophecy alot, but what did she say exactly." Raet inquired.

"The prophecy about the mortal who will turn the tides of time, the lady of the two lands, the one who will rise from ashes to glory. The diamond in the rough, she who will rise up bringing back the glory of Egypt, traversing her vast kingdom from darkness to the light." Hathor spoke as the gods looked at her speechless.

"Hmmmm, but what is your goal then? Because what you've said is very deep and to grant you your request will be difficult. "

"Making that mortal the next Queen of Egypt, is not good for the kingdom, and if we allow that, she will be first non-royal to rule Egypt." Menhit said angrily.

"And that's bad for Egypt. Barbaric!" She exclaimed.

"Indeed Menhit, but you want to live amongst the mortals, isn't that barbaric, rather disspeakable I must say." Hathor rebuked the goddess, she frowned and replies Hathor harshly.

"Perhaps you plan to teach her, your ways of seduction, goddess of seductresses." Menhit mocked. The Queen snapped at her.

"Enough Menhit! Watch your tongue. Stop being confrontational." She lashed out, reprimanding her and the goddess was frightened and sat back in silence wrenching her heart to obedience.

The council was indeed troubled and if the king doesn't control the peace, everything will be thrown into chaos.

"Where did you see this mortal?" Ra asked.

"At the coronation and see eludes everything a Queen is."

Ra inhales. " Hathor, you know in this council, we are strict when it comes to the House of Pharoah. Everything that breaths under the whims of Sethi, I know, and whatever we do not want, we eradicate it." Ra stated the regulations of the council, reminding Hathor the do's and don'ts.

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