19: Back Home

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Gianna Romano

I sat an this cute little cafe not too far from the hospital. The men who are sworn to protect me are standing all around the area - they look normal to everyone else but I know exactly who they really are and what weapons they are currently carrying. I'm here to meet with Antonio. After seeing his messages last night I knew I had to do something because I can't not reply to him all of a sudden - that wouldn't be fair at all and it definitely isn't in my nature, plus a person like Ant doesn't deserve that. I was sceptical about leaving the hospital because of Devonte but thankfully, Nasir and Alexis showed up early this morning and have been there since which gave me the opportunity to leave for little while.

"There's my favourite girl."

I looked up and my eyes set on Antonio who looked extremely happy to see me. My heart fluttered. He truly is a sweetheart. I stood up just in time as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. He rocked us side to side for a little bit before pulling back and staring into my eyes. He tucked a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek with his thumb a little before leaning in slowly. His lips connected with mine as we shared a short, passionate kiss. I wasn't going to go to let this get too far since my father's men were watching but this was already enough for them to report back to him anyway - I just don't want it to be any worse, so I'll keep it short and sweet.

We pulled away from each other and sat down at the table I'd occupied, opposite each other. He intertwined his hands with mine across the table and that same smile remained on his face. Obviously he has missed me, which if you ask me is very sweet.

"A lot has happened since our date Antonio, it's personal so I don't want to get into too much detail but I want you to know right here and now that I haven't been ignoring you or not replying on purpose. Things have just been hectic lately."

(Side note: Ant doesn't know about the hospital or the stabbing)

Sorry, keep reading!

"Gianna, I wasn't even tripping off that too much because I know you have a life but I at least expected a reply from you to say that you were busy or couldn't talk right now."

I nodded my head in agreement. "I know and I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry sweetheart, I understand, just let me know in future."

I smiled and nodded my head. We ordered something to eat and shared a casual conversation, getting to know each other even more than we already had. Of course I felt like I couldn't say or do all the things I wanted to do because my father's men would definitely be reporting this back to my father but whether he says something to me or not is a different story. None the less I enjoyed the little time we got to spend together and I can tell he did just as much. It's clear that we like each other, even if it did take me a little longer to warm up to the idea of giving him a chance with me. 

"So, how about you let me take you out again tonight?"

"I'd like that very much-"

"Great! I'll pick you up at seven then?"

I sighed. "Antonio I can't go. One of my friends is getting out of the hospital this afternoon and I already opted to look after him, I can't back out now."

"Him?" He questioned with raised eyebrows. "Who is this dude?"

"He's a friend, a relation of Alexis. I'll be living with him for a few weeks while-"

"Fuck no. I'm not with that."

"Excuse me?" 

"Unless the nigga is gay, you're not doing that shit." He replied with much bass in his tone which rubbed me the wrong way. 

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