42: Preparations

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Aug in that pic tho 😍🤤

The following morning Gianna woke up to shuffling around the room and a muffled voice. Her eyes slowly fluttered open, only to see Devonte rushing about the room presumably getting ready with his phone to his ear. She took a moment to admire him as he was in nothing but a pair of grey sweats which mean this entire upper body was on display...and not much was left to the imagination with his pants since everything was carved out perfectly. Her eyes trailed his ink covered body before he finally looked up and made eye contact with her. Devonte mouthed 'I'm sorry' while pointing to his phone before walking over and placing several kisses on his girlfriend's lips.

Gianna sat up after he'd walked away to continue doing whatever he was doing and made her way to the bathroom. She handled her business and morning hygiene before stepping back into the bedroom to see Devonte getting off the phone while walking out of his closet. He was now fully dressed but remained looking absolutely delicious in Gianna's eyes.

"I'm sorry I woke you, that was the clinic. Mom is wanting to see me now that she's allowed visitors."

"It's okay. How is she doing?"

"Good, really good. They say she's made improvements already and she's on the right track to becoming clean and sober."

Gianna smiled. "And that means I'll get to meet her soon, right?"

"Yeah. She was wanting to meet you today but I didn't think that was the best thing to do right now. I don't want you seeing her in a state like that. I'd rather you meet the mom I grew up with, not the one that appeared overnight."

"I understand baby. Tell her I said hi."

"I will. Are you going to be alright today? Do you have any plans?"

She shook her head. "Besides speaking with my father, none. I'm just gonna relax I think and try catch up with my studies."

"I'll be back later anyway but I do have to talk to you about a mission I have planned. Do you know the Ricci family?"

"Yeah." Gianna giggled. "Francesca, the daughter, is the one who helped me come to America."

"Are y'all close with them?"

"Papa does business with them."

Devonte nodded. "I want to speak with your dad later if that's alright. It's business related."

"I'll let him know."

"Thank you baby." He smiled and kissed her cheek. "I'll see you later. Mama will be on my ass if I'm late."

Gianna watched him grab his wallet and keys before he left completely. She walked over to his bed and quickly made it up (although that's what the maids were for) before heading back to her own room to properly freshen up and get changed into some clothes for the day ahead. She then made her way downstairs.


She turned her head to see Black's daughter Katelyn running towards her followed by Alexis' little sister Maliyah. Both girls were dressed in their swimsuits and had a barbie in hand. Not too far behind them was Alexis' mom Kamora. Gianna smiled and crouched down just in time as both girls ran straight into her arms, throwing their arms over her shoulders.

Although she'd only just met Maliyah, the little girl was already attached to her. She wasn't one of those kids that took a while to warm up to people - if she liked you that was clear from the jump and if she didn't like you, that was evident no matter what because she'd avoid you.

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