50: Epilogue

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The final chapter of this book 😭 we're at the end already!


"Devonte I can't do this!" She screamed as more sweat droplets appeared on her forehead.

"You're one of the strongest people I know, you can do this."

"Alright mom, you're doing really well. On the count of three I need you to give us on big push okay? The first baby's head is right there we just need you to do the rest alright? Then we can have a little break before baby number two."

The doctors got into position and counted down from three. As soon as they'd said the word push, Alexis have it her all.

"Keep going, keep going, keep going-"


Tears brimmed Alexis' eyes when the loud cries of her baby filled the room. Devonte was on the brink of shedding a tear while Gianna who was standing beside him already had tears rolling down her cheeks. Roman's mother Corrina stood on the opposite side of the bed crying as well; her grand babies were making their entrance into the world.

One of the nurses bundled the baby up before taking the little one to get cleaned up. Alexis felt the same pressure as before almost instantly which caused her to cry out in pain. The second baby was coming and it was coming fast - faster than the doctors had expected.

"It seems like this little one doesn't want to miss out on all the fun." Dr Marino giggled. "Are you ready to push again?"

Alexis nodded her head. "Just get this baby out of me!"

"Alright on the count of three. One..two..three..push!"

Alexis tucked her knees back some more and used whatever energy she did have left to push like her life depended on it.

"Great job, we're almost there and then this will be all over. One more big push and your baby will be here."

And so again, Alexis pushed with all her might - this time it was successful. A feeling of relief washed over her as the heavy feeling on her lower region passed and the sound of her second baby's cries filled the room. She'd done it. She'd given birth to not one but two babies.

Twins hadn't been something anyone expected at all, it just simply happened. It had to be a miracle because it didn't run in Alexis' family or in Roman's. When Alexis first found out she was in total shock on top of being scared. She'd prepared for one baby in her mind, but two at once? Back then she couldn't even grasp it. She knew that it would be even harder raising two babies but she was able to see the blessing in it all. Roman hadn't left one angel on Earth, he'd left two.

The doctors came back about ten minutes later with both the babies. They placed them both in Alexis' arms. Dr Marino smiled at the three of them together.

"Congratulations on your twin girls. Press the button if you need anything, we'll let you have some family time."

"Girls?!" Corrina gasped. "I have two grandaughters, oh my goodness!"

Gianna smiled as she looked at the babies in her friend's arms. "They look like you."

"That's those Wilson genes." Devonte stated proudly. "Nah but forreal, I'm proud of you Chunks and I already know your gonna be the best mom."

"Thank you Slinky. I love you so much."

"I love you too big head."

Just then the babies started to make soft little noises but neither of them cried, thankfully. Instead one opened her eyes revealing the most piercing and beautiful blue eyes. Then the other little girl opened her eyes and that cause them all to gasp. One of her eyes was that same piercing blue colour like her sister's but the other was dark down like her mom's.

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