35: The Reason

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Decided to update again tonight for y'all ❤ enjoy!

Some things may seem a bit dramatic but it will make sense at the end of the chapter


"Alexis? Lex!"


Adriano held Alexis' now limp body in his arms. She was completely unconscious and unresponsive, but thankfully she was still breathing. All the people in attendance of the burial had stepped back to give her some space while her family and friends rushed to her aid.

"Occhioni (big eyes) what happened?" Gianna asked in a panic.

"I don't know. She had stumbled a little but I caught her, then she said she was fine and tried to walk but ended up collapsing."

Mateo came walking over with his phone to his ear. "The ambulance is on it's way. Gianna and Calogero, I want you to take Devonte and the others to the hospital now, I'll stay here with your uncles on behalf of everyone. Adriano I want you to go in the ambulance with Alexis."


"Devonte it has to be this way baby. Adriano knows what happened and he speaks Italian, most paramedics don't speak English." Gianna said softly while holding his hand tightly and staring up into his tear filled eyes. "I promise Adri will take good care of her and we will be there at the hospital waiting for them."

"I'll keep you updated if there's any changes."

"Okay, but take care of my chunky."

It had been five hours since the incident at the burial and there was still no word on Alexis or how she was doing. 

Devonte sat in one corner of the waiting room with Gianna on his lap. His arms were around her waist and his head nuzzled into the crook of her neck as hers rested on top of his. He'd been extremely worried this entire time. He wanted to know what was wrong with his cousin and why she'd fainted so suddenly. He wouldn't be able to rest until he knew she was okay. 

Andre sat with Black a few seats down. Both had gone back to the house to change into some comfier clothes and Black had also left Katelyn with Vittoria - he didn't want his daughter to be at the hospital until he really knew what they would be dealing with. Plus, it seemed like no place for a child to be right now. 

Elena and her brothers sat together not too far away from the others. The three of them were even more on edge than before. First they had to deal with (and still are dealing with) the passing of a close friend, now they had to take on this. It was more so hitting Elena who just like Gianna, had grown extremely close to Alexis. 

"Famiglia di (family of) Alexis Wilson?"

"Si (yes)." Adriano said before motioning to Devonte, Andre and Black. "Non parlano Italiano (they don't speak Italian)."

"Oh, my apologies."

"Va bene (it's okay)."

"Doctor is my cousin okay?" Devonte questioned.

He was now standing by the doctor with Gianna beside him, their hands intertwined.

"I'm very sorry we took so long, there were many tests we needed to run and we are still waiting on some results which should be coming in soon. She's awake now and it seems like dehydration from what we can pinpoint at this moment. Would you like to see her?"

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