Chapter 12

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Ryder pulls into a ice cream place. We walk in and surprisingly there's a lot of people here. Mostly teenagers so I'm not as anxious around them. There's a table of like 5 guys and they're all looking at me.

Ryder must notice because we wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me in front of me. "Stupid guys looking at my Angel." He mumbles and I giggle.

"Did you ev-ever think they're loo-looking at both you and m-me because we're dressed fan-fancy." He quietly stands there I guess thinking. "Ok well fancy or not they don't have to stare at us." I smile and take his hand.

He moves his hand making me spin and I giggle. "So we-we're dancing in th-the middle of a ice cr-cream place." He looks at me and smiles. "I don't care Angel I'll do anything to make you happy. Hell I'd dance with you in the middle of a rain storm if that'll make you happy." I giggle. That does sound fun dancing in the rain with the guy I like.

My little fantasy is interrupted by Ryder talking. "Choose what you want Angel we're up next." I quickly spin turning my attention to the menu that has a lot of different ice cream flavors.

I read the whole menu about 3 times before I decide on what I want. I choose mint chocolate chip. I was going to get cookie dough, but I figured that would be hard to eat on a ice cream cone.

"What do you want?" Ryder asks and I smile. "Mint chocolate ch-chip on a co-cone." He smiles "what size cone." I shrug "Well I-I guess a sm-small." He shakes his head "I'm getting you a medium." I look at him confused.

"If you're forgetting we didn't have dinner." I nod and the people in front of us move out of the way meaning we're up. The chic that's running the cash register looks at us. She looks like she's still in high school and looks like one of those chics that judge everyone.

She smiles "what can I get you 2." Ryder orders his ice cream and looks at me. I look at him hoping he orders for me. I don't want her judging me and making fun of my stuttering. He turns back to the chic and orders for me. "Th-Thank you." I whisper to him and he nods.

He pays for the ice cream even though I told him I would pay. But he insisted on paying so I let him. We get our ice cream and Ryder looks down at me.

"Do you wanna stay here or we can go to the park and walk around." Well depends on what park. I mean parks don't really sound fun. It's full of swings, monkey bars and other playground things.

Well he did say park not playground but then again that's basically the same thing. I look at him "how about w-we just walk around he-here the park is go-going to be dark and cr-creepy. And there's stree-street lights around here." He nods and we leave the ice cream place.

The cold air hits me and my arms cover in goose bumps. "Can-Can I have your jac-jacket back." I took it off in the ice cream place because i was warm in there.

He nods and hands it to me. I hand him my ice cream and put his jacket on. I roll the sleeves up. I turn to him to get my ice cream back and he's licking it. "Hey" I say a little angrily and he looks down at me.

"Sorry I wanted to try it." I giggle and take it from him. "Well was i-it good." He nods "it was minty." I smile and roll my eyes. I eat my ice cream as we quietly walk for a little. Ryder's hand brushes against mine and I look over at him. He's looking at the cars as they go by.

I smile and turn back to my ice cream. His hands brushed against mine yet again and I giggle. "If you wa-want to hold my h-hand all you need to d-do is tell me or just gr-grab my hand." He smirks and threads his fingers with mine. "The first time it was by accident." He says and I nod.

We talk as we walk around and eat our ice cream. We do basically a big loop and end up back at the ice cream place. I look at my phone and sigh. "It's 8:45. I ne-need to get home." Ryder opens my car door and I smile "thank you."

He closes the door gets in the driver side and starts to drive towards my house. "I had fun tonight ev-even though your d-dad came and ruined din-dinner. I still had fun." Ryder moves my hand and kisses the back of it.

"I'm glad you had fun. I just wish we could've spent more then 2 hours together." I smile and nod "It's fine w-we can still text ea-each other. And I-I'll see you on Mon-Monday." He smirks.

"Yeah Monday the day everyone at school will find out that you're mine." I giggle and nod. We continue talking about school. After about 10 minutes Ryder pulls up to the house.

He gets out of the car and walks over to my door. He opens the door and I climb out. I go on my tippy toes yes even in heels I have to go on my tippy toes. Anyways I go on my tippy toes and kiss Ryder on the cheek. "Thank you fo-for tonight I had so mu-much fun." He looks at me and smiles.

"You're welcome Angel I had fun too." He leans down and presses his lips against mine. I freeze at first but kiss him back. He pulls away about a minute later and my cheeks go bright red. I look at the ground. "You're so cute." He quietly say and I look up at him. I smile that cute innocent smile and I tilt my head to the side.

I realize what I did after I did it. Ryder leans down. "Angel what did I say about doing that innocent smile." He whispers in my ear. The hot air hitting my ear sends shivers down my spine.

He moves his hand and wraps it around my throat. He isn't squeezing it so I can't breath or anything. He just has his hand wrapped around my throat. "Angel answer me what did I say I'd do if you did that innocent smile." He says in a rough demanding voice.

"You'll ch-choke my against a wa-wall and kiss m-me then do dirty thi-things to me a innocent gir-girl like me should ever d-do." He nods and tightens his grip around my throat choking me a little. "If you know what I'd do why'd you do it." He says yet again in that demanding voice and I blush.

"Well It-It's a habit." I quietly say. Ryder kisses along my jawline and I take a deep breath. He kisses my cheek right near my lips. "You're not going to comment on my hand." He says and I close my eyes as I shake my head.

He kisses me and I freeze at first, but I kiss him back. "Angel you're not going to tell my to move my hand." He mumbled against my lips. He tightens his grip around me chocking me a little harder and I close my eyes. "N-No, no com-comments and n-no demanding."

He pulls away and makes a trail of kisses towards my ear. "My kinky little Angel." Ryder whispers and his lips gently touch my ear. I smile a small smile and blush. He puts his lips back on mine and kisses me.

After a while I pull away. "I-I should get in-in-inside." I say panting as I try and get my breathing back to normal. He nods and moves letting go of me. "I'll call you sometime soon." I nod and take his jacket off. "He-Here's you're jac-jacket." He takes it and kisses my cheek. "I'll see you soon my little Angel." He says with his signature smirk. Before climbing in his car and driving away. I smile and look at the ground.

That took I turn I didn't expect. He was choking me and I didn't stop him. I kinda liked it for some odd reason. I shake my head and walk up the driveway towards the house.

God I'm crazy if I keep acting like this I'll end up doing things I don't plan on doing until I'm married. I push the thoughts away as I open the door and walk into the house.

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