Back to Tesco

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Boris and I sit in silence as we drive down the highway, many roadmen try to kick the car but I hit them all. Idiots.
We drive past ASDA, looking at it angrily as we go by. They are nothing compared to Tesco. Then we finally get there, the car park where Boris and I first met. The Tesco parking lot.
We get out of the car and head in, Boris tries to talk to me.
"My g u better not get any more hummice right?"
I nod, and go through the doors.
One of the cashiers stares us down, it is none other than the famous K-pop idol..


Oli smiles at me and then flips of Boris as we walk in.
"Hate British people I do" Oli says, "They're all ugly".
Boris speaks back, "U wot mate"
Boris squares up to Oli.
Oli starts to punch Boris, tears falling down his eyes.
"I bet ur bias isn't Jimin u dumb old man" Oli says
Omg. Oli is being so rude to Boris.
"At least I haven't done plastic surgery" Boris says back.
He has.
Oli knows that.

Oli punches Boris in the face and Boris collapses. Blood is everyone.
Oli is afraid of blood, so he faints as well.

"Well" I say..

I walk over to grab some hummice and leave the store.

Then I woke up, I opened my eyes.
I was asleep in Tesco, with hummice in my hands.
"That was all a dream?" I say.
I put the hummice back and pay for my items.
When I walk outside, I look at the tv hanging from a nearby corner shop.
Boris Johnson is on the TV, doing an interview with the news.
"I'm going to be touring the city of London's best tescos on a new tv show" Boris says.
My dream..could come true.
All I need to do is go to Tesco again.

I walk back home with my snacks and food just like my Dad, Bald Martin asked me to.
That was a great dream.

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