what are u doing step-bro?

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After shooting Will Smith, Boris galloped away. I tried to run after him but ended up crying over my dads dead body. Lol he looks ugly. Sucked in bald Martin, that's what you get for marrying Morgz Mum and leaving me. I kicked his body in the stomach and walked away, until I ran into Morgz.

He pointed at me, "Jeez ur ugly Y/N"
He then pulled out a mirror "I am not ugly unlike you."
He threw the mirror at Bald Martins dead body.
"Go do my laundry Y/N" Morgz says.
He throws the basket at me and I gallop away to the laundry room.

At the laundry room, I crawl inside the washing machine and start filling it with clothes. When I tried to climb out, Morgz shut the washing machine door closed.
"What are you doing stepbro?!" I asked.
"Lol" he says, "Ur gonna die lmfao"
I cried.

To my surprise, Elon Musk came up behind Morgz and shot him with an ak-47. I smiled. Lol.
Elon opened the door and let me out, "Elon give human new Tesla" he said, almost like a caveman.
He ran away like a monkey and I got a Tesla.

"I'm gonna go hit some people with this" I say, "Probably Steve Jobs."

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