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Just kidding, It's stupid to think that this was all a dream and forget the adventure I just went on. Everything that just happened was real, and I have to accept that. I met Boris Johnson.

I was in his kitchen, cooking up the hummus I had only brought a few days ago.
When we first met, he threw the hummus on the ground and ended up kidnapping me because of it, but after everything that happened I thought I may as well give him some. After all the chefs had been fired, Gordon and Tony being the only ones who made food at the house, I had to step in. After chopping up and cooking the hummice into some delicious tacos I plated them and took them to Boris' Office. He seemed ecstatic when he saw me enter.

"Hello Y/N!" He joyfully said "How may I assist you?"

I bowed and replied, "I made you some lunch Boris!"

He started clapping "Thank you Y/N! What is it?"

I laid the plate on his desk and he looked at me in shock.
"Hummus..and tacos?" He said under his breath angrily.

I smiled, "Try some Boris!"

Before he could shout at me, his office door opened once again.
"Hello Boris...I haven't seen you in a while" A mysterious voice said.

Boris Johnson x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن