The dormitories

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Jason pov

LEO and I walked back from the feast full to the brim. To be honest I was disappointed Percy wasn't in Gryffindor. I was hoping we would all be together. We made immediate friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They were all amazing and kind. They asked a lot of questions though.

We followed a group flashing with red and gold up a bunch of staircases. Leo tripped like 5 times. The staircases moved! It was so annoying. The painting moved and talked and I jumped. Leo Shrieked so high pitched I was momentarily deaf. After getting a bunch of weird looks we continued. The group stopped in front of a large painting of a fat lady.

"Password" She asked.

"fifflduff" Hermione said and the painting swung up revealing a hallway. We walked in and were immediately surrounded by warmth. It was a huge yet cozy room with a blazing fire. There were two staircases leading to two separate rooms.

"Boys dormitory that way," Hermione said pointing to one staircase. "And girls that way," She said pointing to the other one.The crowd dispersed some going up to the dormitories and others sitting in chairs by the fire. Leo, Hermione, Ron, Harry and I sat next to the fire. Me and Leo Kept turning out heads looking everywhere. It was truly amazing. We talked for a little bit with the golden trio then telling us about all their adventures. We stopped only an hour later when Hermione reminded us that we have classes tomorrow. Leo groaned. I myself wasn't super excited for sitting in a classroom half the day. We went up to the dormitory and crashed in our beds and for once in my demigod life I had a dreamless sleep.

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