Questions and Action

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3rd person POV

Any questions? Finished Chiron

The whole room exploded in a loud chorus of questions. Chiron held his hand up for silence. He then turned to Jason, Leo, and Percy's dumbfounded and mad faces. Percy broke the silence by asking "How do we get there?"

Chiron relieved that he stopped cursing and had taken an interest in the quest replied "You will get there by Nico shadow traveling you. He will stay with you to recover from the jump then will travel back himself"

"NO!" said a firm voice. Chiron turned to see Will standing up. "He can't shadow travel all the way to FRICKEN ENGLAND!!!!" Chiron sighed while Nico argued he was strong enough and he can handle it. "Quiet children" he said sighing. "And turn around" Everybody in the room who was too busy watching Nico and Will fight turned around and saw who they failed to notice. Hecate. Everybody kneeled. "You may rise," she said. Percy, Leo, and Jason who were the only ones who hadn't kneeled glared at her.

"what do you want???" said Percy.

"Show some respect," gumbled Hecate. Percy just rolled his eyes. Hecate waved it off and said "I am here to tell you a little bit about your quest to England my demigods. I will travel there by using something called apparating which wizards use. I will also bless you with knowledge and skill so you will be able to perform all spells you need to fit into the eighth year. You will stay in the Leaky Cauldron which is like a hotel until Hogwarts starts. You will get all your stuff from a place called diagon alley. When the school year starts you shall go to a train station, I will give you the address and the tickets and board the 11 o'clock train. Any question???" 

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