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Mazi D'Aire Osama
Memphis, TN – Sunday

"You act like you don't got no damn grandma." Granny Fae spoke over the phone as I mocked her

"And you act like you don't got no dang granddaughter."

"Don't fuck with me, I ain't one of yo lil friends."

"See you always cursing me out but never curse Leeky out when he be eating all the snacks over there."

"Girl hush, I'm on the phone with Maleek or Mazi ?"

"Neither." I mumbled being smart

"You just asking for a ass cutting and ima give it to yo ass when you come over here."

"Okay but make sure you cook some lima beans so I can wake up from my crying nap and eat."

"You so damn stupid girl." She laughed "Oh I meant to tell you, you know Mary died ?"

"Oh yeah ?" I asked not knowing who the hell this Mary lady was "How she passed ?"

"Shit." She cursed "She just woke up dead."

"I– Granny ima call you back later." I told her

"Lying ass, ya better be over here for dinner too."

"I'll never miss a Sunday dinner."

"Better not." She mumbled "I love you baby, be safe out here. You know I saw the news saying they're was a shooting that happened yesterday at that lil store Leeky always at."

"Okay I will, I love you too."

"Alright baby, see you when you get here."

Grandmas just always gotta have the last word on the phone

"You know that granddaughter of yours is something else." I heard her talking to my Papaw "She crazy you hear ?"

"Granny you gotta hang up before you start gossiping." I sucked my teeth

"Lil girl fuck you, you ain't none to gossip bout any damn way." She hung up

"Just rude." I got up from my bed and walked out of my room hearing Lil Baby being blasted from Tahj room


"YOU ARE NOT SELLING NO DAMN COKE !" I banged on her room door

"Did you preorder My Turn ?" She swung her door open

"Girl no." I scrunched up my face

"This why we don't fuck with you." She shook her head turning it down some "You uninvited from the trip."

"Hoe I'm yo best friend, I'm not uninvited to shit." I scrunched my face up before walking inside her room

"I'm reconsidering it." She picked up her phone "My daddy already paid for the whole trip, we just using our money to go out and do shit. I got a chef coming too."

"Ain't you fancy ? Wish I was spoiled." I told her hearing my phone ding

"Bitch you are spoiled, it's comes from everybody in yo family."

"No, I don't like my Uncle Furl wife Wanda." I shook my head "She rude as hell and we don't get along."

"Is that the one with the unibrow ?"


"Oh fuck her, I told her good evening and she looked at me like I was stupid or some."

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