10: Bravery

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Jungkook is still in deep mesmerization as he stares at his beautiful mate beside him

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Jungkook is still in deep mesmerization as he stares at his beautiful mate beside him. Everything about Lisa just captivates him. Her calm breathing, her long lashes, luscious lips and rosy cheeks are too gorgeous to resist. He lifted his hand to touch her cheek but stopped himself from reaching her again. It's been 3 hours since she got through her intense heat. They touched each other for the next 48 hours since Jungkook went inside that room. They spent all their time in there and even spent hours inside the bathroom as they satisfy each other in that bathtub with the way they only wanted.

They eat for a couple of times but Lisa's heat always lead them to that bed filled with their mixed scents and withdrawals. Jungkook even ordered Yeonjun to prepare another bedroom for them after their first night to give Lisa some fresh sheets and clean blankets throughout the rest of her heat.

Lisa is unstoppable. He never expected her to be that needy for him. Jungkook has a very high stamina but the way he resist and contain himself is what is making him exhausted. His inner wolf wanted her so bad, so bad that it hurts. And Lisa's soft growls and moans made it harder. He noticed some scratches on his arm and chest but they eventually healed.

Jungkook's eyes travelled to her marks all over her body. He specifically stared at that bite mark on her neck. He almost-almost imprinted her. She begged him to, which is a little overbearing for him. But he controlled himself. He has to get her consent. It is very crucial for him to ask her permission without being caught in a heat or being vulnerable because of their nature.

Her scent wasn't that too strong like she had in the last 2 days. Her glands aren't excreting too much now and that's an indication that her heat has ended. He pulled the blanket over her shoulders to let her continue her slumber. He lifted himself up from the bed for a warm shower and to leave her before she wakes up.

He has a feeling that she wouldn't be comfortable waking up with him beside her. Because she initially heard his voice wanting his healer. No, she doesn't really want her. In a way Lisa has been suspecting him to. He genuinely likes his healer for a lot of reasons. She always helps him in so many ways to make him and his inner wolf healthy at all times.

Jungkook silently closed the door of his mate's room and walked out with only his maroon bathrobe and walks the dim-lighted hallway to get to his own room. He saw a lot of piled paperwork on his desk and walked to look at them. He scanned that folder Yeonjun gave him the day before Lisa's heat and he realized he hadn't read it through.

He scanned the pages. When he caught that one picture of the man he knew very well, that's when he finally realize that the he needs to get all Omegas involved in that organization rescued. Or hunt them if they left him no choice.

He turned to the other folder. This is the list of the profiles of Alphas killed from guarding the territory gates. It wasn't only the Lycan Pack who is killing his wolves. The organization of his mate does too. He has been losing a constant increasing number of guards. This organization is very strategic in using Omegas against them. They know for sure that Alphas cannot kill Omegas. They are meant to complete them and this organization is using an ace at their advantage. He has to make this stop.

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