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I'm considering making a new book that I bacially just rant in
Like if something comes on my mind I can just write it instead of talking to myself like a weirdo
Anyways I'm going to call it 'shower thoughts' because when I take a shower I get these random thoughts
You don't have to read it
It's nothing important
I just thought why not
It might get a little political
And I'll be talking about some serious topics
So if your not interested you don't have to read it
But it would be cool if I had a audience
Anyways comment below if you want to read it
Also you guys can replay in my conversation box if you want since I was finally able to verify my account I can respond to you guys.
Anyways have a nice day
Also I'm working on the new chapter for this book.

Ereri one-shots ***RE EDITING***Where stories live. Discover now