The Fake Alexithymic

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Winter in London, has always been cold, but colder was her heart... It was 10:00 p.m., she brewed her favourite coffee... The best employee of the month, "Miss Sofia"- the conventional happy person (according to the world), was an Eccedentesiast (all alone in the land of multitude) ... It was always wonderful to fake the fake world... The escapists have their way... 

Sitting in the verandah, she plugged in her ears phones... Christina Perri and her playlist; were the only friends in  her isolated world... 

She was sixteen (probably sweet); when she saw him... The most realistic eccedentesiast of her life... And her foolish soul, fell in love with that smile, on his innocent face. Irony sometimes hits harder; so does the unreasoned love (cause one is loved, because they are worth loving)...

That unknown soul felt to her like the Cosmos- the one where all the matter found solace, the only shade to the burnt, somber world... He was an energy, that was imparted in all hearts... A universe in itself, loved and hated, feared and respected, used and forgotten...

"But I'm only human

And I bleed when I fall down

I'm only human

And I crash and I break down

Your words in my head, knives in my heart

You build me up and then I fall apart"

Human- her favourite song was just a reflection of her soul, she remembered everything, she remembered his words, his actions and most importantly her promise to herself- the non existent "always for her forever"... 

Looking that the misty sky, she once again, after ages, found her cosmos; her thoughts took her to her star, the star that had built her up, the star that taught her to grow stronger, her star that she owed with love, the brightest amongst all, the always cheerful (broken, burnt and fallen), the purest; that guiding star, was always visible, no matter howsoever the space tricked... "You always shine out when you got the fire within"... Oh!!! How well she remembered him...

Departure - Probably they were like parallel lines never meant to meet, but always walk along, her universe was made by him, lived by her... They always walked along, heading towards the horizon to meet someday...

"I have died everyday, waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more"...

-❤️Uditi Chakraborty❤️

(Thank you for helping me to grow, to thrive, to smile, to fight, to laugh and most importantly to love, thanks for everything-Sofia)

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