Presentation Time with Daishou Suguru on Why YakuChi His OTP (Oneshot)

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A/N: Okay, so I interrupt "Purple Flowers of Spring" with a quick oneshot. The Daishou in our GC who is queenlazy_ii gave a presentation on why YakuChi is superior. And I was touched- with that said. Let's hear out Daishou's reasons, Ikou!

"Okay, everyone. Yaku's being really obvious right now without even saying anything" Daishou stated as he faced everyone.

"Wait- whaaa--?" Yaku who was beside Daishou asked as he nudged him lightly.

"Shush, Yaku. Lemme continue" Daishou said as he faced Yaku and put his finger to his own lips and made a shushing noise. "So. I've been observing this throughout the months that i've known him and from the moment he confronted me about the matter" Daishou said confidently and clearly which left Yaku with a expression of curiosity.

Everyone's eyes were glued onto Daishou as he was talking. "Okay. So basically, he's been dropping extra obvious hints of how hard he fell for Yachi" Daishou claimed as he put an arm to his hips.

Everyone heard clearly on what Daishou said, to which Tendou, Kita, Kageyama, and Asahi agreed. "I thought i was the only one that noticed"  Asahi said followed by a giggle.

"So you're telling me, Asahi that you think I, The Almighty Daishou Suguru wouldn't notice something like that? I am genuinely offended" Daishou said as he was glaring at Asahi who was a few meters away from him. "G-Gomen--" Asahi blurted out of fear for the snake boy who was giving him death glares.

"Okay, so back to the topic. I have multiple examples" He said which made the curiosity of the crowd grow. "Example one. Whenever two people makes the same funny joke, one is Yachi and one is let's say Kita".

"I know where this is going" Kageyama whispered to Asahi.

"And you know who's joke he laughs at more?" Daishou asked the seemingly obvious question followed by "ofcourse bitch, it's Yachi's" as he looked at Yaku who had a surprised expression. Sort of like a '0'.

"Okay. Next example" Daishou stated and a few of the people from the crowd where whispering to each other. "Yaku's sus" Kita whispered to Tendou to which he whispered back "I know right".

"But there was this one time that he laughed at the same joke with the sam—" Kageyama was saying before he was cut off by none other than the snake boy himself. "I'm talking about YakuChi here so shush-" He quickly said before going back to the presentation.

"So, as I was saying. I've noticed that 70% of his time is devoted to this friend group... 10% is his life outside of the group... And another 10% is probably him scrolling through Pinterest" Daishou stated as he scratched his head.

Some in the crowd giggled at the Pinterest comment but Daishou continued. To which Yaku who was beside Daishou said "How dahecc did you know-?" Yaku asked as he made a ".__." face expression at Daishou.

"AND- the other 10% is devoted to either searching or drawing the YakuChi ship" Daishou said as Yaku nudged him. "HOW?!" Yaku asked with a raised voice.

Daishou looked at him in the eye and said "bish, i love this ship, so shut the fuck up" and shifted his focus back to the presentation.

"Okay. Now this next example is when Yachi and Iwa were still new in the group." He said which made some in the crowd shocked

"OKAY! so Me, Iwa, and Him was talking about how the ship started in the first place. Yaku said that it was originally based off of a 50/50 coin flip. Daishou stated which resulted in a lot of laughter from the crowd.

"Now that's a good way to start off a relationship" Iwa jokingly said to  Hinata who was right beside him.

"But he later confirmed that they were infact partners. Which may be because he was pressured by the group-" Daishou swiftly said.

Yaku looked away and said "incorrect. I wasn't pressured" tp which shocked Daishou. "Did y'all hear that?!" He asked the crowd while pointing at Yaku to which everyone in the front nodded.

"Back to the topic. The next one, he is extra extra EXTRA protective of her." Daishou claimed to which shocked some of the crowd.

"If you think i'm joking, what I'll say next will prove you wrong." The chattering stopped and everyone was focused on Daishou.

"It even dates back to the Aphrodisiac Cake Incident" he stated as he massaged his temples

(The Aphrodisiac Cake Incident is when Daishou "accidentally" put some aphrodisiac pills into the cake that he was baking and fed it to Iwa. Which resulted in chaos.)

"Because after that incident, je basically restricted Yachi from eating anything that came from me. 'cuz duh- aphrodisiac which is incorporated into a cake is not the best thing to digest" Daishou said receiving a few laughs from the people that remembered the Incident.

Iwa slowly started to lower his head in embarrassment for he was the once that ate the aphrodisiac cake.

"Okay" Daishou said as he stomped his foot on the ground. "That's all for my presentation of why YakuChi is the bestest ship ever"

Yaku was beside him blushing from embarrassment while Ennoshita asked "Is bestest even a word?" To which he received a glare from Daishou followed by Ennoshita shutting up.

Daishou sighed and looked at everyone. "If you prefer LevYaku, get the fuck out of my sight before I sangwoosize your ass" he threatened. Everyone went silent again and nodded.

"Alright, Professor Yaku, what is the grade of my presentation?" Daishou asked while looking at a flustered Yaku.

"Y-you get a 101 for n-noticing all that" Yaku answered as he declared "back to the usual chaos, guys."

Everyone agreed and the presentation of Daishou Suguru on Why YakuChi is his OTP comes to an end.

A/N: i had fun writing this nyahaha. Thank you to queenlazy_ii for making the presentation and giving me permission to write about this
Mata ne and have a good day~

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