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A/N: This is a Hanahaki AU in which the following characters all go to the same school.

"To think that I actually wanted to see real purple flowers. I would've never thought that it would be in this situation" Yaku said as he coughed out another flower leaving the blonde girl in front of her speechless-

It all started on July 20. Yaku had just arrived at school and walking around in the hallways; then he spotted his best friend. The cheerful, Supportive, and Shy Yachi Hitouka.

Yaku and Yachi have been best friends for a long time. Though they mostly see each other in the gymnasium while practicing volleyball. They get along well in and outside of school.

The moment he saw Yachi, he ran towards her full speed and yelled "YAACHIIIIII!!!".

Yachi was surprised and just said "Oh. Hey, Yaku" as she waved her hand at the boy running at full speed.

When Yaku reached a certain distance, he then jumped towards Yachi and hugged her tight. "Where have you been" asked Yaku who was still snuggling with Yachi in the middle of an empty hallway.

"I actually just arrived. I guess you were here earlier?" Yachi asked as she hugged Yaku back. She looked around in case a person was there and sees what they're doing.

Yaku reacted to the hug by resting his head on Yachi's shoulder and said "nope, I'd just arrived too. I thought you'd wait for me by the gates so that's why I asked where you were"

"Ohh, That's why... You seem energetic today."

"Like always." Yaku lets out a Laugh

"Yeah, I could get used to your energy."

"Everyone does. Hey by the way; I want to introduce you to a friend."

"Oh, who're you gonna introduce me to?"

"Oh. You'll see." As Yaku said that, he grabbed Yachi's wrist and ran. They got outside. They noticed the sunrise and slowed down. They halted to admire the purple and orange tinge the sun and clouds gave off.

"It's pretty isn't it?" Yaku asked Yachi while mesmerized by the view.

"Yeah, it is." Yachi also said while staring into the purplish tinged orange sky.

"What do you like about it? I like how the two shades of purple and orange mix together." Yaku said as he glanced at Yachi to see what her reaction was.

"I don't know... Isn't that what love is like sometimes? The feeling that you can feel that you love them, but don't know how to explain it with words" Yachi said still mesmerized by the sunrise.

"Yeah, it is like that, huh." Yaku then stared back into the sunrise then coughs a little.

"Hey, let's go now. We don't want that friend of yours to be waiting for long." Yachi said as she held Yaku's hand and walked. Yaku was surprised when Yachi held his hand. It was unexpected, but Yaku felt like he was gonna melt. He blushed hard, good thing the color of the light the sunrise gave off was able to make the blush undistinguishable.

Yaku was looking back and forth from Yachi and Yachi holding his hand. He completely forgot about the beauty of the sunrise and was focused on Yachi and her only. They were nearing the gymnasium and Yachi pulled Yaku back into the real world with a-

"Yo, Yaku you alright?" Yachi said as she leaned her face closer to his which made him more flustered and he accidentally yelled "HAI! I'm fine!" Which startled Yachi it made her laugh.

"So, is that who you're talking about?" Yachi asked Yaku as he pointed to a boy with hair as vibrant orange as a sunset at the beach. The boy was leaning on the wall of the gymnasium.

"HINATA-KUNNN!!" Yaku yelled from the top of his lungs at the sight of Hinata. This made Hinata jump and look in the direction of Yaku. Hinata then ran over to Yaku while yelling "YAKUU-SAAAN!!!" Then when he got near Yaku, he jumped trying to glomp on Yaku. But Yaku dodges and Hinata instead landed on Yachi who wasn't prepared so they fell down with Hinata on the top. Yaku was speechless as Yachi and Hinata were on the ground staring at each other and thinking at what to do at that moment.

Then Hinata stood up and extended his hand as he said "Gomenasai! Let me help you up." Yachi grabbed Hinata's hand and got up.

"Thank You!" Yachi replied with a cheerful tone as she brushed the dirt off of her blouse and skirt.

Then a voice came from the distance "YAKUU-SAN! YACHI-CHAN!" The boy that came from the gymnasium yelled; with his long hair tied in a bun. He was walking towards them at a steady pace. Then Yachi and Yaku ran towards the boy and Hinata followed along for he didn't want to be left out.

"Hey, Asahi-San!" Yaku said as they all formed one group.

"What's up, Yaku?" Asahi asked as he wiped a drop of sweat from his face with a towel.

"Nothing much. Just introducing Yachi here to this ball of sunshine" replied Yaku.

"Ohoho, I thought you and Yachi were on a date-" Asahi said before he was cut off by Yaku saying "Shut!" While making an action of a zipping his mouth and giving death glares at Asahi.

Yachi and Hinata stood in the side as Asahi and Yaku spoke. Then suddenly someone peeked from behind and loudly said "Yo!" Which startled everyone, especially Asahi who jumped and yelled "WAAAHH-"

Then the person revealed themselves. It was a boy with Dark Green Hair, he waved at the group staring at him

"DAISHOU-SENPAII!" Yaku and Yachi said in harmony and once they realized, they looked at each other eye to eye as if they both thought "We both share one brain cell !".

"Ohoho. Hello, my kouhai's" Daishou said to Yaku, Yachi, and Hinata as he pulled out two boxes of a slice of cheesecake. One chocolate and one blueberry. And he then followed by a container full of Fudgy and Chocolatey cookies. Everyone's eyes lit up and suddenly crowded Daishou trying to fight over the baked sweets she made.

Then out of the blue, Asahi saw Tendou and offered him to get some. At first, he declined but with a little convincing from Daishou, he joined the group and ate Daishou's baking. Needless to say, everyone enjoyed it. Yaku and Yachi each got one slice of cheesecake and Yaku and Daishou got four cookies, Yachi and Asahi three, Tendou got five, and Hinata got left with 1.

"Only one?" Hinata said whilst looking at the group making his signature puppy-eyed look. Everyone stopped and looked at the cute tangerine that was about to go emo any minute now

Yaku and Yachi looked at Hinata and said "Here, Hinata have this-" in harmony. They stopped and looked at each other smiling

"You can go first, Yachi." Yaku said as he backed away a few centimeters.

Yachi looked at Yaku and nodded then said "Here, Hinata have this." as she gave Hinata one of the 3 cookies she had. "You go now, Yaku," Yachi said as she stood right beside Yaku who was just staring at Her, not blinking nor moving...

A/N : to answer the question-
"Why Yaku and Yachi? they had little to no interactions in the anime or manga"

Well the answer is because this story was an RP event in a Haikyuu RPGC where Yaku (me) and Yachi are partners.

Purple Flowers of Spring [Haikyuu Hanahaki Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now