Bloom Pt 2

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A/N: And i'm back! Sorry for leaving on a cliffhanger last chapter. Finished it about 11:30 or so and my eyes were giving up on me so I decided to end it on that.

•|| lαηgυαgє ωαяηιηg ση Dαιsнσυ's  ρ.σ.ν ||•

Yaku smiled and his face turned slightly pink when he saw Yachi's reaction. "Knew you'd like it" Yaku said as he looked at it.

"Oh please. Like is an understatement; I think love is more appropriate" she replied while her gaze was glued to it.

Yaku giggled, "Yeah. Love is more appropriate. Who wouldn't love a clear dome with artificial purple petal scattered around everywhere" he said with a smile on his face as he looked at Yachi. 'How I wish I was the one you loved' Yaku thought which made him sad. He felt a sharp sting on his chest that made him cough multiple times to which he ignored because he was there with Yachi, and that's all that mattered.

"Shall we go inside?" Yaku ask before he gently nudged Yachi.

"Let's go!" She exclaimed as she walked towards the entrance of the dome. "No entrance fee, Huh? Keeps getting better and better" Yachi jokingly said before entering. Yaku Then followed Yachi. They took off their shoes and put on a pair of slippers that the place had provided and entered. They looked in disbelief as there were a ton of petals, more than they expected. The petals covered their feet, that's how many there were. Kids were with their parents playing all around the place; throwing handfulls of petals around.

Yachi bent down and scooped some in her hands and threw it at Yaku. "Take that!" Yachi said to him.

"It's on, Yachi" Yaku stated before scooping some into his hands and throwing it at Yachi. They continued doing that for a while whilst running around.

"Can't catch me!" Yaku exclaimed while running. He stopped and looked at Yachi who was a fair distance away. He looked at her and laughed. When she was getting close, he was supposed to turn and run again.

But what happened was unexpected. As he was turning, another sharp sting came from his chest which made him loose balance and tripped.

Everything became slow motion for Yaku as he saw Yachi close to him already. Yachi extended her arm towards him and out of panic, Yaku grabbed her hand. Yachi couldn't handle Yaku's body weight so she fell after Yaku. Yaku was lucky he landed on a part where there were a pile of petals that were bunched up together which made it a soft landing.

They were speechless after they fell. Yaku was staring at Yachi who was on top of him. Silence filled the air around them. Yaku, who was slowly turning redder and redder by the second was too flustered to say anything nor move.

ᴅᴀɪsʜᴏ's ᴘ.ᴏ.ᴠ

Daishou was in the Comfort room to where he was in one of the stalls. "Fuck, why now? He isn't even here. So why?" He asked himself. He coughed and coughed over and over again. Bloody petals were on his hand. "What did I do to fucking deserve this?" He yelped as he flushed the petals into the toilet. His chest seemed to have loosened up so he went out of the stall. He approached one of the sinks and gargled to get the metallic taste of blood out of his mouth

"Alright, get yourself together and be a man" he said to himself before going out again. He walked for a while before seeing Asahi in the same spot he was in when he left. "Yo! Asahi, where's the two love birds at?" Daishou jokingly asked Asahi followed by a weak laugh.

"Woah- Daish you okay? You're awfully pale" Asahi said before standing up to inspect Daishou.

"No, i'm fi—" Daishou was saying before he felt his chest tighten again making him have difficulty breathing.

Asahi's face was covered in concern as he helped Daishou. "Nope, you're not fine. I'll take you home." Asahi said before walking towards the exit. Daishou didn't have enough energy to resist Asahi so he didn't argue and let Asahi take him home.

ʏᴀᴋᴜ's ᴘ.ᴏ.ᴠ

Yaku was still at shock as he looked at Yachi who was on top of him. "I-... uhmm gomen-" Yaku managed to say in a soft voice as he looked away and tried to focus on something other than Yachi. While Yachi was just staring at him in confusion as to why his face was red.

"G-gomen, Yaku-" Yachi yelped as she stood up and once again extended her arm out to Yaku. He grabbed her hand and stood up.

"You okay?" You look at little red" Yachi asked. She took a petal which was on Yaku's hair. "There was a petal there" she said and giggled.

"Y-Yeah... I'm fine don't worry" Yaku answered as before he looked down, trying to hide his face.

"No. Seriously, are you okay?" Yachi said before going closer to Yaku and placing her hand on his forehead. "You don't seem hot" Yachi stated before pulling her hand back.

"Yeah. I really am fine" Yaku said followed by a soft giggle.

Yaku's attention was caught by someone outside in the crowd. His hair was different from the others, he had Orange hair and was seeming to be looking for something. "Hinata, he's here-" Yaku mentioned to Yachi.

"Really? Where?" She asked as she looked around. Yaku pointed at the direction of Hinata to which Yachi followed to where he pointed.

The two went near the wall of the dome and pressed their hand against it trying to catch Hinata's attention. They knocked on the glass and yelled "Hinataaaa--"

Hinata then heard a faint "ʰⁱⁿᵃᵗᵃᵃᵃ" which made him have the reaction of "•∆•" and looked around to where he noticed Yachi and Yaku in the dome saying his name. He approached them and asked "What are you two doing there? Did you two have fun without me?" He made a "°^°" face.

"Come in here! It's free to enter and it's beautiful in here!" Yachi said to Hinata to which Hinata replied with a thumbs up and ran towards the entrance and comes in.

As Hinata took his first step inside, the entrance automatically closed and the "Glass" suddenly turned dim which made it hard for them to see what was outside.

The three looked around to see what was happening then they heard something from the speakers

"тнe peтal ѕнower wιll вegιne ѕнorтly, pleaѕe вe paтιenт. ιғ anyone ιѕ wearιng a ѕĸιrт or dreѕѕ, pleaѕe go тo тнe ѕaғeтy zone"

After that a sign lit up containing the words "Safety Zone". Girls that were wearing skirts then went there, most were moms who left their child playing in the petals.

"тнe peтal ғall ѕнall now ѕтarт" they heard moments later from the speaker. The glass which was LCDs all along then shifted to a scenery of a field which the sky was tinted purple and there were multiple purple colored trees.

"Wait- what's happening?" Yachi asked as she felt air come from the ground.

They watched in awe as petals started to float up from the ground. Yachi was looking around in amazement "Woah-- this place is like heaven- i don't want to leave" she stated as she tried to catch the petals.

Hinata was near the entrance saying "WOAHHH" to which his face expression was his iconic "•∆•" look.

Yaku was there, next to Yachi as a petal landed on his hand. He looked at the artificial lilac colored petal on his hand and said

"I hope I get to see real purple flowers someday"

A/N: two chapters in one day? Motivation is thru the roof
Have a nice day~

Purple Flowers of Spring [Haikyuu Hanahaki Fanfic]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum