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A/N: Back with more YakuChi, expect fluff in this chapter. With that said, have fun reading.

Ps. I am sorry for the poor writing style of the phone calls. I ain't experienced on that matter

{Language Warning}

[Yachi: "Hmm? I mean, i just finished doing morning stuff around the house, so yeah. I'm free, why?" ]

[Yaku: "I-... Uhmm... Do you wanna hang out?"]

[Yachi: "Yeah! Where to though?"]

[Yaku: "I don't know. What ever keeps us company"]

[Yachi:"Owkie, what time?"]

[Yaku: "Maybe around 10AM?"]

"Okay, see you then- bye" Yachi said before hanging up

Yaku then flopped onto his bed and hugged his pillow while rolling around. Then he heard his phone; someone was calling him. He picked his phone up to see the contact 'Daishou MFing Suguru'.

Why is he calling? He thought to himself as he touched the answer call button to which he was flabbergasted when he heard a loud "YAKUUUUUUUU!!!" come from the phone. He lowered the volume and spoke.

[Yaku: What dafaq Bish?!]

[Daishou: You dare-]

[Yaku: Ehh-]

[Daishou: Want me to slap you with toast?!]

[Yaku: Slap me all you want later. What do you need? Did something happen?]

[Daishou: Wow, bold of you to assume that something happened. so I had the idea to go to the new amusement park that recently opened in town.]

[Yaku: I-. . . Want me to slap you with a fish?]

[Daishou: ...]

[Yaku: What's with the silence?]

[Daishou: You mentioned a fukin fish, you mowon! You know how i am utterly disgusted by those.]

[Yaku: Yeah Yeah. But I have this thing to do-]

[Daishou: with Yachi i presume? ]

[Yaku: I-... How dafaq?!]

[Daishou: Tsk tsk. As your Senpai, I can read you like a children's book]

[Yaku: What ever.]

[Daishou: Please come with--]

[Yaku: No]

[Daishou: How about I take away your cheesecake rights?]

[Yaku: Ughh- fine. I'll say to Yachi that we're hanging out with y'all]

[Daishou: Yatta! Blackmail works!]

[Yaku: ... Who are the others that will come?]

[Daishou: Remember everyone that came when we visited the ramen shop? Everyone there will come]

[Yaku: Oh okay. Expect us to be there before 11:00]

"Ohoho, 'us' make sure to take care of your girlfri-" Yaku hang up on Daishou to which Daishou's reaction was "Wow- how rood".

Yaku looked at the clock on mounted on the wall and noticed it was already 9:00. Which means had an hour left to shower, get dressed, and walk (possibly run) to Yachi's house.

He swiftly got out of bed; grabbed a towel and clothes and rushed to the bathroom. About 20 minutes later, he was done, got out of the bathroom fully clothed. he ran to the entrance of the house and put his shoes on and dashed outside. Yaku took out his phone and looked at the time. 9:27 AM.

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