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A/N: Nyan~ i am back, i pre-write author's notes before writing the actual story so take what i'll say next with a grain of salt. This chapter has a lot of nervous Yaku and MAY include another Daishou toilet scene- Nyahaha

Yachi tilted her head and giggled. "It depends on the person, to be honest." She turned back and started walking again and looked back at Yaku again. "What're you doing all the way back there for? Come here" Yachi said as she gestured Yaku to walk by her side.  He rushed to her side and started walking again.

The rest if the walk was just random chats and a lot of admiring nature. A few minutes later they reached yachi's residence. The two slowly approached the door with Yaku behind Yachi.

She knocked and a voice came from the inside "Chotto Matte-". About 10 seconds later, the door opened to reveal Yachi's mother. "Yachi!" She said before noticing Yaku who was partially hiding behind her.

"Who is he?" Yachi's mom asked as she raised an eyebrow. Yaku panicked and moved to Yachi's side. "I-i'm Yaku M-morisuke. Konbanwa, O-oba-San-" Yaku nervously blurted out.

Yachi's mom then looked at Yachi and asked "What brings him here!" In a soft tone. Yachi nudged Yaku meaning to tell her mom about the details. "W-we uhmm... Have this t-thing and uhhhhh..." Yaku was struggling to keep a conversation with Yachi's mom which made her look at Yaku with a concerned look.

Then Yachi took over "oh we have a group project to deal with and I'm asking permission to do it with the other members at his place." Yachi calmly stated to her mother followed by a nod by Yaku.

Yachi's mother put a hand on her hip. "Hmm..of course you're allowed to go." She said as she moved aside to show them the doorway. "come inside and we'll have a  chat."

Yaku was nervous and entered the front door. "Pardon my Intrusion" Yaku quietly said as he was taking iff hide shoes and going inside the actual house

Yachi also did the same and entered. Yaku was by a wall waiting for either Yachi or her mom to do or say something. Her mom said "You two wait there while I go fetch some snacks" which made Yaku's eyes sparkle at hearing the word 'Snacks'. Her mom smiled at the two and walked towards the kitchen

Yachi walked over to the counter and gestured at Yaku. "See? Not that bad" Yachi said before noticing how nervous Yaku was. "Welp-"

"W-where can I s-sit?" Yaku asked Yachi nervously. She blinked and said "Anywhere you like". He nodded and started walking to where Yachi was and sitting besides her.

A few minutes later, Yachi's mom was waking towards them while carrying a plate of sandwich and biscuits. "Here you go~"

Yaku's eyes were glued to the snacks, but simply getting one right away would be rude so he just stared at them. "So Yaku, Yachi told me a lot about you. are you both bestfriends I may say?" Yachi's mom asked which snapped Yaku back to his right state of mind. He slowly looked up at her and simply replied with "Yes, we're close" while trying to hide his trembling voice.

"Its nice she's getting along with her classmates now. Unlike before. She's friendly but shy at the same time~" she informed making Yachi shy knowing that her mom could blurt out any random embarrassing stories about her.

"Hai! She really is shy sometimes, but I don't mind" Yaku said with a smile on his face. Yachi then grabbed a biscuit from the plate, ignoring the fact that her shy mood had taken over.

"What clubs do you join in school yaku?" She asked and looks at yaku questioning as she pours some juice be into their cups.

"Volleyball. I've met some really cool friends while at the club. A great baker, a ball of sunshine, and ofcourse Yachi" Yaku answered, finally getting used to Yachi's mother and  is starting to feel calmer.

"You've found a good friend like him Yachi" She chuckled "Eat up I'll be back." She said as she pulled out a phone from her pocket anx went to another room. When Yaku saw that they were the only two left, he immediately grabbed a sandwich and said "Itadakimasu!" As he took a bite from it.

Yachi picks up her cup filled with juice. "You feeling better now?" She asked as she took a sip

"Hai!" Yaku exclaimed as he gave Yachi a smiled. Yachi took another biscuit and said "You picked a good time though. I don't bring visitors if she's stressed."

"Oh- that's good" Yaku replied as he got another sandwich and started to eat. Then Yachi's mom came back, now in her formal attire  for work. "Yachi dear, I have a deadline today. Take care of your friend, i gotta go it's urgent"she said as she smiled at the two of them. "It was nice meeting you, Yaku" she stated before waving and heading towards the door to leave.

"It was nice meeting you too, Oba-San" Yaku stated as he bowed.

A few minutes after she left. The two heard the door suddenly open. They went to got check what it was to see Daishou flopped onto the couch and Hinata sitting on the ground. "C-cold" Hinata complained followed by Daishou. "It was fucking cold outside and you two didn't even message us in the group chat about still being inside. Now look, the ball of sunshine is now cold" he stated while he was standing up from the couch and pointed at Hinata.

The two apologized and Yaku asked "so, how was the permissions?" To which Daishou looked at him. "So, my mom at first almost didn't let me go and we had to use the cuteness of the ball of sunshine with my persuasion skills and boom. I was allowed. And as for Hinata, his parents and sister also wasn't home so we just left a note. Easy as that!" Daishou told the two.

Yaku was eating when he felt another tightness in his chest. He tried drinking the Juice but still, the pain didn't go away. He let out a light cough trying not to make it obvious to the others.

"Hey, Yachi. Where's your bathroom?" Yaku asked then Yachi turned to him.

"Yeah, Yachi. Where is it?" Daishou too asked. Yachi pointed to a white door with a blurry glass pane in it showing the inside but blurred.

"NOPE- Me first, Dais—" Yaku was saying before getting cut off by Daishou "RACE!" he exclaimed as he ran towards the bathroom leaving Yaku behind.

"Welp... Guess he goes first" Yaku said as Daishou reaches the bathroom, opened it then entered and closed the door loudly.

"Welp. This'll go away anytime soon... I hope"

A/N: And another cliffhanger has appeared- Gomen Nyhaha
shoyoponkan please don't kill me for the cliffhanger--

Mata ne and have a good day!

Purple Flowers of Spring [Haikyuu Hanahaki Fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora