• Chapter 18 •

Start from the beginning

I walked up the stairs and back to the cabins. I took a bite of the pink fruit and it was really sweet, but not sickly.

"Hey I got you some-"

"Aw thanks (Y/n)!" Tom said taking some of the fruit from me.

I tried to explain that I got them for Jim. "Um actually Tom they're-"

"You're the best!" He continued interrupting me once again.

I was too tired for the awkwardness of explaining that I actually got the food for Jim plus he was bound to understand that I didn't mean to give them to Tom. 

Then to make a long unnecessary story short, he didn't understand. He was all jealous again and he wouldn't talk to me.  I don't expect this silent treatment to last too long though, well I hope....

It was halfway through the day and I was still following Jim around trying to get him to talk to me. He was being childish so I decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and be childish too.

"Jim. Jim. Jim. Jim." I said poking him. "Jim come on. Talk to me. I said I was sorry and that I didn't mean to. Your being so dramatic. Jim. Jim. Ji-"

I was stopped by Silver interjecting, "What's going on here now?" He looked at us really confused.

"Jim refuses to talk to me because of something I apparently did wrong." I said blatantly.

"Is that so?" He said looking between the two of us.

"Yup." I replied.  Jim just crossed his arms and glared at me.

"Isn't he being a bit dramatic?" Silver whispered to me.

"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes.

"Well you'd better get your little boyfriend to start talking soon because i'm going to teach yous two how to use them swords of yours." Silver laughed. "Come to me when you're ready" He said walking off.

"Jim come on I want to learn to sword fight and we can't start until you get over your little hissy fit." I laughed.

He just continued to stand there, arms crossed glaring so I mirrored him and his expression. After about thirty seconds, I grew really impatient.

"James Pleiades Hawkins will you just-"

"Don't call me James!" He blurted out, out of habit. He immediately realised that he had spoken to me and clasped his hand over his mouth.

"Ha! You spoke to me." I laughed.

"Ugh whatever." He sighed. "I wasn't planning for it to go on that long the first place." He continued, making excuses.

"Yeah yeah sure. Whatever you say crazy cassanova." We both just laughed the whiled thing off which was a relief.

"Listen I'm sorry (Y/n). It's just because of how much I care about you, I get jealous." Jim said sincerely.

"Did Jim just admit that he's jealous?!" I fake gasped.

"Come on (Y/n), seriously." He looked at me apologetically.

"Jim." I said putting my hand in his arm. "There's no need to be jealous." I sent him a reassuring smile.

"I know, I know. I just worry. I mean you could easily get any guy you wanted." He continued.

"Seriously Jim, on a real note we both know that is the other way around." I laughed slightly.

"Definitely not." He chuckled lightly "Example, Tom." His expression dropped every so sightly.

"Tom?!" I let out on short laugh. "First off Tom does not like me. Second even if he did, what makes you think i'd like him back, i'll have you know I happen to my eye on someone else." I joked, because Jim was already my boyfriend so the fact I had my eye on him was sort of a given. Jim just smiled at me.

I started to walk and he took a few quick steps so he was beside me. "You were talking about me right?" He said, a little look of concern on his face.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him. "Jim you make me laugh sometimes." I chuckled, I put my hand on his face as had to go on my tippy toes slightly to me able to reach and give him a quick peck him on the lips.

I saw a very light pink colour appear on his cheeks as I pulled away to see a beaming Jim. "You are so beautiful (Y/n)." He sighed. It still gave me butterflies whenever he complimented me.

"That was somewhat random." I said taking his hand and beginning to walk to Silver.

"Can I not compliment my girlfriend?" Jim questioned.

At his use of the word 'girlfriend' I actually got a little flustered and didn't know what to say. We've been together for a long time now but after the period of him not talking to me, hearing him say it again just really made me happy inside.

Jim noticed that I was flustered and just chuckled, taking his hand from mine only to move it to my waist and pull me into a quick side hug. We walked and found Silver rapidly.

"Looks like the love birds kissed and made up." Silver laughed. "A bit dramatic there, weren't we Jimbo my boy?" He said to Jim only to turn and wink at me.

Jim just rolled his eyes at Silver's little comment. "Are you going to teach us to sword fight or not Silver?"

"(N/n), I don't know how you deal with the dramatics or the impatience." Silver said as he started to walk.

"Oh it's not so bad. Most of the time." I smirked.

"Very funny (Y/n)." Jim commented sarcastically, shouldering me lightly so as to not actually hurt me.

We followed Silver to the main deck where he stopped and spun around to face us. "Now let's get started."

(A/n) okay I'm going to say a few things here you don't have to read them if you don't want to.

I made this chapter a little longer than usual because I keep just like disappearing and not updating for a month and I feel kind of bad lol.

The only reason it's just because I'm back at school now and I have so much work but trust me I'm really trying and I'm not abandoning this book.

Lastly I know in the story Silver is supposed to teach them to sword fight  but I literally can't find out how anywhere online I would literally have to attend fencing classes and I'm not gonna do that lmaoooo so I am unfortunately going to have to just skip the part where he teaches them and go to like just after it. 

anyways have a nice day x

The Stolen Ship • Jim Hawkins x Reader (Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now