Chapter 8: Take a picture if you want; it'll last longer

Start from the beginning

I put my phone down only to realise it was Calla talking to Syd. 

"Cals, did you just say that you're looking for somewhere to stay?" I asked, hoping she had. 

"Yeah, you did. I'm getting bored of my old place now and want to move, why?" 

"You should totally come and live here with us! Leah moved all her stuff out the other day and if you don't want that room, you can have the spare. I've been meaning to look for a new roommate, but you'd be perfect!" I told her, getting excited. 

She turned and look at Syd who nodded and shrugged in agreeance. 

"Sure! I'll bring my stuff round tomorrow. We're all going to be living together!" She jumped up, squealed, and ran into the kitchen to get, what I assumed to be, more wine.

I sat there for a little longer before looking up at the black, square clock mounted on the wall. It was almost midnight and I had work tomorrow. 

I got up and ran up the stairs two at a time and walked into my bedroom. 

I walked into my closet and picked my red shorts (they're short but I only live with women) and my big pyjama top. I went into the bathroom to get changed when I heard the front door loudly shut. I immediately assumed it was Jace leaving as Lucas had said he was staying in the spare room tonight. 

With no makeup on and my hair as it was before, I considered putting a nightgown on but decided against it. It was too hot.

I quickly put my phone on charge before exiting my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I made my way down the stairs and towards the kitchen to get a cold drink for my sore throat when I felt someone watching me. 

I turned towards the front door to see Jace standing there, shamelessly looking me up and down. I cross my arms and turn towards him, "Are you done?" 

"Hmm?" He hummed in question, his eyes tracing up my body before finally settling on my eyes. Pervert. 

"Take a picture if you want; it'll last longer," I sarcastically said so I was surprised when he actually took out his phone. 

"I was joking you pervert and anyway, I thought I heard you left otherwise I wouldn't have given you the pleasure of seeing me in my pyjamas." 

"Nah, I just went out to my car to get something. I'm glad I didn't leave though," he commented before taking a slight step forward. 

Instinctively, I took one back. 

I looked him in his mesmerising blue eyes. That is one thing I cannot take away from him no matter how much of a dick he was acting; his eyes are capturing. 

It's a habit of mine, looking into people's eyes whenever I'm talking to them, but this felt different. Looking at him now, without the cockiness, I strangely felt... safe. Like his eyes alone could tell me more than he would ever be willing to verbally.

I watched as his eyes flickered from my brown eyes to my mouth. 

My throat suddenly felt dry. What did I come downstairs for again? Ahh yes, water. 

Clearing my throat and breaking whatever was currently going on between us, I sent him a genuine smile before turning around and getting something to soothe my throat. 

I took the water upstairs with me and settled on my bed. 

I was sat on my bed reading a book when a knock from my door echoed through my room. 

"Come in." 

"You're awake?" Jace said whilst slowly opening my door. He stood there almost in awe for a second just observing my room, taking everything in. It wasn't anything special so I'm not sure why.

"Yeah, surprisingly," I joked. I felt more comfortable around him ever since that 'moment' in the hallway. 

"Well, I just came up to say that I'm leaving now. Thank you for tonight, I really enjoyed it," he told me whilst sleepily smiling. I could tell by his eyes that he was telling the truth.

"So did I. Let's do it again sometime, you have my number," I said laughing. 

He deeply chuckled before replying, "Sure, let's do something again. Goodnight, Ivy." 

"Goodnight, Jace." He smiled, shaking his head slightly whilst looking down before he turned around and closed the door behind him.

I turned onto my side and picked my book back up. 

After attempting to re-read the same paragraph for the 7th time, I put the book down on the table next to me. My mind was too preoccupied. I rolled onto my other side, going over the last 24 hours in my head before peacefully falling into a deep sleep.


You got a little insight into Ivy's past and that's not even the half of it! And Jace was in Ivy's room ;)

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