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Author (me): Space. It's like, really, really, really big, dude.

(A small object starts zooming in as music plays.)

Me: And it's got all sorts of stuff in it too! I'm talking about monster, humans, realm, universe... Those little peppers wrapped in bacon, stuffed with cheese... Uhhh! Hits the spot every time! My delicious dude!Yep! There's a lots of stuff in space amigo. But there's even more stories. And I heard them all. My name is DizaGadiza48. And I can open the window to a whole galaxy full of stories you never even knew existed.

The still approaching object is revealed to be a window.

Me: See what I did there? That's a Segue. We're talking about windows? Window shows up. Creates intrigue. Wow We're almost to the good part... Some stories are funny, some stories are not. Some of them look kind of weird, and some of them might be about folks You never even heard of. The whole Mortal Kombat-niverse is about ready to burst open compared! Come with me and let me be Your guide...

The window starts opening, a glow coming from the other side... but then a Spaceship flies through and smashes it. The music stops.

Sonya: What the hell was that!

Jarek: I think it was a window?

Kano: Knock, Knock!

Tasia: He said window, not door.

Johnny: A window? Just on its own? I mean, not attached to anything?

Kira: What the hell is a window doing in the middle of space?!

Jax: I don't know! Just keep flying!

Some ships in pursuit of the Freelancers fly by, shooting.

(All chapters montages is played)

The logo for Mortal Kombat Shenanigans stands in space before a spaceship hits it in the S and makes it tip, with a loud crashing noise.

Bass Player: What the heck was that?!

Zero: I think it was a logo.

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