Kabal doing a date by himself

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Ermac: Final Question... [Ermac, who is silhouetted against the floodlights.] You have a dinner date for seven... what time do you arrive? [He walks across the ring, awaiting Kabal's answer.]

Kabal: Seven. A.M. Case the restaurant, run background checks on the staff. Can the cook be trusted? If not, I gotta kill him. [He makes a gun formation with his right hand. Ermac can be seen walking around Kabal as the camera rotates around him in the opposite direction.] Dispose of the body, replace him with my own guy no later than 4:30...

[Ermac looks down at Kabal, and after a few seconds of thought, speaks...]

Ermac: You're ready.

Kabal: [hopeful] Really?

Ermac: [chucking softly] No. Everything you just said was insane... and, we are out of time. [He sets a glass of liquid in front of Kabal.] Congratulations. You're a failure.

Kabal: Oh... [He stands up, bringing the desk with him. He sits back down and slides out of his chair. Ermac rolls his eyes and shakes his head in amusement.] I failed, did I?

Ermac: [grinning] Yes.

Kabal: Did I?

Ermac: Yes...

Kabal: Did I?

Ermac: [Annoyed] Kabal, where is this going?

Kabal: Where it's going is I don't need you. I'll put this date on myself!

Ermac: [An expression of disbelief crosses his face] Yourself...?

Kabal: That's right, fancy pants, myself! [Ermac's mouth twitches as he stops himself from laughing] So why don't you take your little failure, roll it up sideways, and- [Ermac taps his watch, voicelessly reminding Kabal of the death watch] -Okay, crap, I gotta go... [He quickly downs the rest of his drink and begins to walk off-screen, but leans back towards Ermac.] Screw you, though...

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