Before We die

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(The contestants are falling out of the plane, screaming in terror. Suddenly, the music bell chimes, indicating that they have to sing)

Bass: Seriously? I mean, seriously?

Shang Tsung (though megaphone): Sing and I might think about saving your musical buttocks! Maybe you'll try harder this time. Eh?

Echo: 🎶We're singing as we're falling🎶

Nitara: 🎶Well, some are cannonballing🎶

Mileena: 🎶Yeah!🎶

Scorpion: 🎶As our lives begin to flash before our eyes🎶

Zero and Bass: 🎶We might just go kablooey!🎶

Johnny and Erron: 🎶Get smushed and become chewy🎶

Rest of the contestants: 🎶'Cept there's tons we wanna do before we die!🎶

Sindel: 🎶Billionaire!🎶

Stryker: 🎶Billards champion!🎶

Jax: 🎶Make it home to see my mommy!🎶

Jade: 🎶Marry Stryker!🎶

Mystery: 🎶Catch a barrel!🎶

Kitana: 🎶Be an actor in a drama!🎶

Echo: 🎶Corporate lawyer!🎶

Sonya: 🎶Prom destroyer!🎶

Johnny: 🎶Be a ninja with throwing stars!🎶

Scorpion: 🎶Lion tamer!🎶

Zero: 🎶New food namer!🎶

Erron: 🎶Repairgirl for parallel bars!🎶

Bass: 🎶But first we must cease dropping, our goal here would be stopping🎶

Mileena: 🎶Before we smash into the ground from the sky🎶

Jax: 🎶Flat into little pieces🎶

Johnny: 🎶Heads merged with our feetes🎶

Sindel: 🎶That would really suck and here's why🎶

Mystery: 🎶We'd like to keep on living🎶

Scorpion: 🎶So, Shang Tsung, we hope you're giving🎶

Jade: 🎶Some wings!🎶

Echo: 🎶A jetpack!🎶

Sonya: 🎶A rift in time!🎶

Nitara: 🎶Parachute!🎶

Bass: 🎶Waterbed!🎶

Erron: 🎶A trampoline!🎶

Mileena: 🎶Springy shoes!🎶

Scorpion: 🎶Rocket boots!🎶

Kitana: 🎶Flying squirrel!🎶

Sindel: 🎶Bubble bath!🎶

Kitana: 🎶I change to bubbles too!🎶

Jax: 🎶Mommy!🎶

Zero: 🎶Pizza! No! Some chips and some dip will do🎶

All: 🎶'Cause there's still so much to do before we die🎶

🎶Yeah, we said it🎶

🎶There's still so much to do🎶

🎶There's still so much to do🎶

🎶There's still so much to do before we die🎶


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