X. if you wanna be my lover

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The swing sways gently in the breeze, the water in the reservoir glistening from the light cast by the moon. The sounds of night are a welcome contrast from the loud music of the reception in the banquet hall. The branches of the willow above her clatter together in the breeze, soft crescendos to accompany the sprinkle of the fountain gushing water into the reservoir and the chirping crickets in the distance. The spring air is cool and perfumed with the florals surrounding her.

She'll go back to the party eventually, of course. But, it's so peaceful here, an oasis of serenity, and she can't bring herself to get up from the swing just yet.

The second ceremony was so wonderful that Nisha nearly wonders if she's dreamt it all up. Neha walked down the aisle with their dad, looking gorgeous in her wedding gown, and when her gaze met Harry's, it was as if the whole world fell away and nothing existed apart from the two of them. They exchanged vows beneath a 100-year-old oak tree, the oldest one on the grounds, decorated with blush pink drapes, lanterns, and hanging globes. It was a slightly overcast day but the clouds parted the moment they slipped on their rings, the universe's way of signaling that they are truly meant to be.

Many tears were shed, many laughs were shared. The loveliest of ceremonies for the most beautiful couple Nisha has ever known. When they kissed it felt like the whole world cheered, the breeze blowing into the wind chimes in the distance, the sun shining brighter in the sky. It was, in a word, perfect.

Afterwards, as the happy couple descended down the aisle and went off to take photos, the guests flocked to the glass patio at the back of the hotel for cocktail hour, where the hors d'oeuvres consisted of brunch items: tiny waffles with nutella, maple syrup, and jam dips, several variations of frittatas, pastries, and, of course, a slew of South Asian staples. The back lawn was even set up with an Easter egg hunt for the kids, though the adults got in on the fun too. Everyone ate and drank and took their photos with the Easter bunny before making their way inside the banquet hall for the reception.

From that point, it was a full-on party. After all the formalities—the toasts, and the dinner, and the cake cutting—the music was cranked up and the atmosphere shifted. The girls opened up the floor with their surprise dance and then pulled guests on to get the party started. Nisha drank a lot of champagne, she danced with what felt like all of her family members, and even shared a few laughs with Niall out on the floor.

Now, though, her feet ache. The silence in this hidden away spot of hers is a welcome reprieve from the party. She wants to savor this picturesque scene, with its tree swing and glistening reservoir, because perhaps she may never see it again. Maybe if she spends the next few years saving up all her money, she can build herself a sanctuary just like this.

"Was looking for you," says a voice from behind her. She doesn't have to turn around to know who it is. It turns out that she doesn't even have to. Niall makes himself comfortable on the swing next to her, facing the opposite direction. When she looks at him, he smiles.

She quirks a brow. His body is so warm next to hers and she can't help but lean in closer. She's a moth to his flame. "Really?"

"Yeah." He appears to be slightly tipsy. The smell of beer is mixed in with Hugo Boss Infinite and his words have that leisurely slur to them when he's had a bit to drink. "You missed our song."

"Our song?"

"Mhmm." That grin on his face is unwavering. When he starts to sing, his shoulders sway to the invisible beat of the song in his head. "If you wanna be my lover..."

The air, once still with the song of the night critters, now echoes with her laughter. "You're ridiculous."

Niall doesn't take his eyes off her. "Your smile is deadly."

cold coffee in the evening // niall horan auWhere stories live. Discover now