Citrine's Story

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Citrine tells Steven and Connie her backstory.

SORRY ABOUT HOW LONG THIS TOOK!! I switched fandoms, and I haven't had motivation.


"And this is 'its a wash'," Steven said as he and Connie toured Citrine around town. "This is where my dad works. He cleans cars and stuff."

"What's a car?" Citrine asked.

"Uhh..." Steven looked at Connie.

"It's kinda like a spaceship, but it can't fly," Connie said. "It has wheels."

"Oh!!" Citrine nodded. "I don't know a lot. I've spent almost all of my existence in a cell."

"That's awful!!" Steven frowned.

"Yea..." Citrine said. "Steven, can I tell you something?"

"Yea?" Steven asked.

"I lied about why I was in prison," Citrine said. "Well, partially. Yes, I was in prison for my size, but also because I knew too much. A couple years ago, I learned that the Diamonds were still alive. When Hessonite found out that I knew, she locked me away in a cell."

"How did you find out?" Connie asked.

"My friend, Tourmaline. She was shattered for telling me," Citrine said. "Hessonite forced me to watch her be shattered. She said that the same would happen to me if I said a word, so I sat in that prison, quietly, for 6 years. It's not that long, I know, but I'm only 7, so to me, it was long."

"You never met the Diamonds before I had broken you out..." Steven realized.

"Yes," Citrine said. "As you can tell from my appearance, my original purpose was to serve as a guard in Blue Diamonds court. When I saw Blue Diamond on homeworld a couple days ago, I just... I couldn't help myself. I had to talk to her."


Blue and Yellow had just finished their negotiations. Yellow had gone off to do something before heading back to Earth, leaving Blue to wander the palace for a bit.

She found herself in the ball room. She looked up at her throne, too large for her now. When she looked at her throne from this perspective, she understood why her gems were so intimidated by her and the other diamonds.

Guess this smaller size has more perks than once thought.

"M-My Diamond?"

Blue turned to see Citrine standing behind her, saluting.

"Oh!! Citrine!!" Blue smiled. "It's wonderful to see you again. Do you need something?"

"Actually, I..." Citrine fiddled with her fingers as she struggled to make eye contact with Blue. "Y'know, I was made after Hessonite took power, so I never really got to meet you. I had never seen a Diamond until Steven, so I guess I... I don't-"

Blue crouched down in front of the gem, smiling. "You wanted to meet me. That's ok!! I understand. You're very brave to be able to come to see me. Just know though, you don't have to work for me. Gems can choose to be whatever they want."

"I want to go to Earth!!" Citrine blurted out.

"Oh?" Blue looked at her then chuckled lightheartedly. "You don't have to ask me!! All gems are welcome to go to Earth."

"No no, I know that. I'm just... I've never stepped foot onto a warp pad. I don't think I know how to activate one. Could you... take me, to Earth?" Citrine asked.

"Absolutely!!" Blue smiled. "I was on my way there now!! You can join me."

"Really?" Citrine's eyes lit up. "Thank you!!"


"And then she took me to your house," Citrine said.

"Well, do you have any plans on what you wanna do while Little Homeworld is still under construction?" Steven asked.

"The Amethyst is actually letting me stay in her room until then," Citrine said. "I think me and her are gonna be really good friends."

"That's great!!" Connie smiled.

Diamond AU: The Crystal GemsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora