Small like me

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Citrine wants to move to Earth.



"Yo, Garnet!!"

Garnet turned to see White and Amethyst.

"I see you two were busy," Garnet said. "Hello, White."

"Hello, Garnet," White said. "Did you know I was coming?"

Garnet tapped the side of her visor.

"Ah," White nodded. Amethyst sat down next to Garnet. "I found out my 'cut!!' I'm 8XM!!" Amethyst said.

"That's nice," Garnet said. "White, how's plans for the town going?"

"Bismuth's on homeworld recruiting gems to help," White said. "May I sit with you?"

Garnet patted the ground on her side. White then sat down next to Garnet.

"Garnet, how do you feel about all of this?" White asked. "Working with us on a town?"

"It's honestly brilliant," Garnet said. "Most of them were crystal gems. They would want to stay on Earth."

"Hm," White nodded.

"So White, can you tell me about gem history now?" Amethyst asked.

"Hm, I mean... there's no reason not to now," White said. "I don't remember my creation, but I know that I was born on Homeworld..."


The warp pad activated. Steven and Pearl turned to see Yellow.

"Yellow!!" Steven smiled. "How's things on Homeworld?"

"We've finished negotiations," Yellow said. "Blue's on her way. What have you been up to?"

"Bismuth's on homeworld recruiting Gems for the project," Pearl said.

"I know, I ran into her," Yellow said. "She's gathered quite the number of gems. Builders, technicians, electricians, every gem needed to build a town."

"Awesome!!" Steven beamed. Just then, the warp pad activated, and Blue stepped off.

"Steven!! You won't believe who I ran into," Blue said. "Remember your little friend?"

A small, orange-ish gem stepped out from behind Blue. Steven gasped. "Citrine!!"

"Steven!!" Citrine ran up to him, and they hugged. Pearl looked at the gem curiously. "And you are..?"

"Oh!! I'm Citrine," She said. "You must be the crystal gem Pearl!!"

"That I am," Pearl said. "How do you know about me?"

"Everyone on homeworld knows you guys are back from the dead," Citrine asked.

"...Oh," Pearl nodded.

"So, what brings you to Earth?" Steven asked.

"I heard about the town you guys are building, and I want to live in it," Citrine said. "I want to move to Earth!!"

"That's AWESOME!!" Steven gasped.

Blue and Yellow smiled.


"...And then, I created the other Diamonds," White said. "First Yellow, then Blue, then finally, Pink. When she came out as small as she was, I was... quite taken aback. She wasn't meant to be so small, but that was how it was."

"Like me," Amethyst said. "She was small, like me."

"...Yes," White nodded. "I tasked Yellow and Blue with teaching her all she needed to know, and yet, it seemed like she never truly understood. She had a mind of her own. I guess I kind of admire her for it now. She had a free will. I wish I understood her better, I really do. It hurts to know she ran away because of me."

Garnet and Amethyst were silent for a moment.

"Garnet!! Amethyst!! White!!"

The group turned around to see Steven running up the hill with Citrine.

"Oh would you look at that?" White smiled. "Nice to see you again, little one."

"Y-you too, my Diamond," Citrine said.

Amethyst looked at Citrine. "What's up? I'm Amethyst!!"

"Citrine," She said, shaking hands with her. "You're the smallest Amethyst I've ever seen!! No offense."

"No offense taken, you're tiny too," Amethyst said. "Welcome to the shorty squad!!"

"Thanks..?" Citrine smiled awkwardly.

White looked at the two of them. Two overcooked Quartz soldiers from very different backgrounds.

Seemed like a close friendship in the making.


Bismuth soon returned with a large crew of gems.

"Oh wow!! Good job, Bismuth!!" Pearl smiled.

"Alright, crew. We've got a lot of work ahead of us, but that's no problem. Let's get down to Bismuth!!" Bismuth said. Blue snickered at the pun.

"Where's everyone else?" Bismuth asked.

"On top of the temple," Yellow said. "They're just talking, I believe."

"Hm," Bismuth nodded. "Cmon, crew!! Let's get this project going!!"

Bismuth led her crew out the door. Once they were all out, this left Pearl alone with Yellow and Blue.

"It's... been a good day," Pearl said.

"Yea," Yellow said. "It has. I hope we can continue to have good days."

"Me too," Pearl said.

Diamond AU: The Crystal GemsWhere stories live. Discover now