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"Bismuth's gonna help with the town?!" Steven gasped.

"Yup!!" Pearl said with a smile. "Once I told her what we were doing, she was all ears."

"That's awesome!!" Steven cheered. "So, Yellow told me you and Garnet talked to White and Blue last night. How did it go?"

"It went well," Pearl said. "The Diamonds are going to be an integral part of the building process."

"That's great," Steven said.

"Alright, my Diamond. The Galaxy warp has been installed," A gem said to Steven.

"It's just Steven," Steven insisted.

"Understood, my Steven," The gem said. She and her crew then warped away.

"Would you look at that?" Pearl walked over to the new warp pad. "A Galaxy warp, right in the temple!!"

"Excellent!!" White said, appearing literally out of nowhere and startling Steven and Pearl. "This will make travel between the planets so much easier."

"Hi, White!!" Steven said.

"Hello, Steven," White said. "Yellow and Blue are on Homeworld right now negotiating with some of Hessonite's former inner circle. They'll be gone for a day or so, which means I'm staying here with you."

"Awesome!!" Steven hugged White.


"Ok, so we'll have houses here and here, and we'll have a Galaxy warp here," Bismuth said as she went through the blueprints with White, Steven, and Pearl.

"Hey, maybe we could build a school," Steven said.

"A what?" Pearl, White, and Bismuth looked at him.

"A school inside little homeworld to help the uncorrupted gems assimilate into life on Earth," Steven said. "We'll call it little homeschool. What do you think?"

"That's... actually brilliant," Pearl said.

"Agreed. Thank you, Starlight," White said. Steven smiled at the praise. Pearl flinched, remembering that nickname.

"We need to build the town before we think of setting up a school," Bismuth said. "These blueprints should be enough to get us started. White, do you think I could recruit some other gems to help with this?"

"You're free to do as you please in order to get started," White said.

"Thank you, White," Bismuth said before going to the warp pad and warping away.

"Yo yo yo!!" Amethyst walked through the door with some food. "What's up y'all?"

"Bismuth's on homeworld recruiting Gems to help with the town," White said.

"Cool cool," Amethyst said, walking over. "Yo White, me and Garnet are gonna go chill. Wanna come?"

"Wh-what?" White was taken aback. Why would the crystal gems want to invite her anywhere?!

"Go ahead!!" Steven said. "I'll stay here with Pearl incase Bismuth returns."

"Alright," White said. "I'll be back, Steven."


White left the beach house with Amethyst. Might as well start up some conversation while on the way to Garnet. "Soooo... you're from Earth, correct?"

"Yea," Amethyst said. "Right outta the prime kindergarten. That's what it's called, right?"

"Yes," White said. "I don't mean to offend, but do you... not know, your cut?"

"My cut?" Amethyst stopped in her tracks, looking at White. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, it's like your designation. Your name," White said.

"Oh," Amethyst nodded. "Do you know it? You're White Diamond, after all."

"I don't, but I think I know someone who does. Do you think Garnet would mind if we made a pit stop?" White asked.

"She has future vision. She prolly already knows," Amethyst said. "Where we goin'?"


Amethyst and White arrived at the barn via warp pad. Amethyst looked around curiously. "Where are we?"

"Peridot!!" White called.

White swore she could hear Peridot fall off something. She scampered out of the barn to salute in front of White. "My Diamond!! Pleasure to see you again!!"

"Peridot, I would like you to meet Amethyst. She's a crystal gem," White said.

"Oh," Peridot looked at Amethyst. "So it's true."

"Did Steven not tell you?" White asked.

"It's more that he didn't tell Lapis. She has a huge problem with them," Peridot said. "I heard from Yellow. She stopped by some time ago and told me."

"Ah," White nodded. "Now down to business. Could you go to the kindergarten and find out Amethyst's cut?"

"Sure thing!!" Peridot said. "You should come too."

The group warped to the prime kindergarten. Amethyst followed Peridot. "So, which of these is your exit hole?" Peridot asked.

"Oh!! It's this one," Amethyst said, showing her. "Wow!! It's been so long since I've been here."

"This exit hole belongs to Amethyst 8XM," Peridot said.

"So I'm Amethyst 8XM?" Amethyst asked.

"Yes," Peridot said. "Up here is 8XL, and 8XJ, and 8XG. How do you not know this?"

"I've actually never met another Amethyst before," Amethyst said.

White and Peridot looked at each other, then back at Amethyst.

"I didn't know anything when I emerged, and I still don't," Amethyst said. "Pink barely told me anything about the other Diamonds either."

"Amethyst, that's ok," White said. "It might have not been in the past, but now, it is!! If you want, I can spend some time teaching you about gem history. Would you like that?"

"Actually... I would," Amethyst said, smiling a little. "A lot."

Diamond AU: The Crystal GemsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin