Chapter 163 - Trip To Colmar (1)

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Today's trip to Colmar felt like a movie being played back to Finland. They listened to Billie Yves' songs along the way and sang loudly to the music. This time Finland prepared the song because Jean was now unaware that Billie Yves was Finland's favorite musician.

"I didn't know that going on a road trip while singing out loud like this was so much fun!" Jean commented with a laugh. "I love Billie's music."

"You are also friends with Billie Yves. On a new year event 3 years ago you replaced her manager and accompanied Billie to perform at a private party in Germany," Finland said.

"A private party? No way! Billie can't be booked for a private event. She's very exclusive..." Jean said, shaking his head in disbelief, "You must be joking."

"I'm not joking. You can ask Billie Yves yourself," Finland said, smiling, "The person who invited her was not an ordinary person. His name was Aldebar, he was the heir to the Alchemist's formula of immortality. He invited Billie to perform at his 200th birthday celebration. "

Jean laughed at that. "You're funny."

"I'm serious."

Jean was still laughing to himself, but after realizing that Finland was talking earnestly, he was silent.

"W... what do you mean? I don't understand."

"In this world, there is a secret society who have perfected their bodies for generations and managed to live young forever. They are known as the Alchemist people..." Finland said in the most serious tone Jean had ever heard.

"It's just a myth. Alchemy is pseudoscience, not real science," said Jean.

"They do not age because all the cells in their body are perfect, always regenerating without stopping. That is also why they are unable to get sick. They also don't have any disabilities, that's why you no longer need to wear glasses. Their intelligence is also perfectly formed so that they can adjust their physical form according to their needs. The Alchemists don't need to cut their hair because their hair will stop growing as needed. Their senses are also very sharp and can predict the weather accurately... "

Suddenly Jean swerved and stopped his car on the side of the road.

Sentence after sentence that was uttered by Finland seemed to hit him hard and gave him the chills. All the strangeness that had happened in the past few years was well illustrated by Finland. What does this mean?

"I... don't understand..." Jean looked at Finland, confused.

Finland held Jean's hand and calmed him down.

"Jean... listen carefully. We have been friends since college and you always supported me. But there are things I have hidden from you for some time. Three years ago, I fell in love with Caspar. At that time he used the name Heinrich Schneider... After a while, I learned that he was a member of the Alchemists clan. He was the second generation and became the leader of the clan to replace his father who died in the war. Caspar's brother was the heir to the immortality potion formula invented by their grandfather and those responsible for the survival of the clan. Getting married into the clan would get someone the immortality potion so they could live with their partner, forever. I should have taken the potion from Aldebar 3 years ago after I married Caspar..."

"Then what happened...?"

"You came to Aldebar's birthday event to replace Billie Yves' manager and overheard their secret... That's why they decided to erase your memory. You see, common people are not to know about their secrets." Finland bit her lip as she thought about the incident. "But something bad happened, a traitor to the clan shot you and almost killed me... I suspect it was done by the orders of Caspar's enemies... and then you already know what happened..."

"Since I woke up from a coma, I feel like my body has changed... is that related?" Jean asked.

Finland nodded.

"At the time you were critical, Caspar said he gave you an immortality potion in an attempt to save your life... Luckily the cure was successful..."

"So, he was the one who erased my memory... but he also saved my life?" Jean shook her head, "I don't know if I should thank him or be angry with him..."

"Please don't be angry with him... He only did what he thought was right. I've scolded him enough for the year you were in a coma. I was very angry and left him... He didn't even know that I was pregnant with his child..." At this point, Finland could no longer hold back her tears. "I hope to see him again soon and clear up the misunderstanding between us. Please don't hate him... he's a good man."

"Oh, Finland..."

Jean seemed lost for words. All this information was too much to digest at once.

After a while, he finally took a deep breath and nodded.

"I understand," he said.

"Thank you..."

"So... you have a child? Where is she now?"

"My daughter is named Aleksis, and she is now with Lauriel in Brazil. They will meet us in Singapore next week. Lauriel is an Alchemist who is a medicine expert and he thinks he will be able to cure you..."

"How many Alchemists do you know?" asked Jean, interested. It was the first time he heard about these Alchemists and finally, he felt that he found answers to many of his questions.

"I know a few. There are only a few of them, at least a few hundred people in the whole world. They meet once every 10 years or if there are important events like weddings. Incidentally next month there is a big wedding ceremony where many Alchemists will gather. I will ask Lauriel if you can attend, so you can meet other people like you... I'm sure there's a lot you want to know about them..."

"Are... you an Alchemist too?" Jean asked quietly.

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