Chapter 94 - Party in Rivendell (1)

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Finland sent a photo of the forest behind the snow-covered castle she had taken from the window to Jean.

[My first snow, I am so excited. Wish you were here.]

[Where is this? Are you in Europe? How come I didn't know?] Came a reply from Jean. Half a minute later the next message followed [I'm glad you can finally see snow.]

[I'm sorry, we're now in Germany to meet Caspar's family.] Finland replied quickly.

[Oh, how serious is your relationship? I am glad to hear that.]

Oh, if only you knew, Jean, we got married last night... thought Finland. She was really sad that she couldn't share the happiest moment in her life with her best friend. She was happy with her marriage, but sad because she had to hide it from Jean.

[We are in a good and serious relationship.] She wrote to Jean. [I'm looking forward to meeting you in Paris. I will go there on the 16th.]

[What are you doing this New Year's Eve?] asked Jean again. He seemed very happy because Finland was in Europe; it meant they would celebrate new year at the same time.

[Caspar's brother is holding his birthday party and he invited his relatives and friends. The event will start later in the evening.]

Sorry, I can't invite you, Jean... Finland said to herself.

[Sounds good. Have fun, okay...]

[Thank you!]

Caspar just finished taking a shower and he saw Finland busy with her phone. She took many photos of the castle covered in snow from the window of their room. He hugged the girl's waist from behind and kissed the nape of her neck, which made her squirm in silence.

"The event starts at 6 pm. We will have a lot of guests..." he whispered, "I can't wait to introduce you to everyone."

"It must be strange to be surrounded by perfect humans, like elves in Rivendell," Finland commented softly.

"Rivendell? Do you think we are like elves?" Caspar laughed to hear what she said, "Look at my ears, I don't have pointy ears, okay?"

"That's not what I meant... hahaha. You are all very beautiful, and you can live forever. Don't you think you are all just like elves?" Finland asked.

"Hmmm... you're right. But elves can also marry regular people, like Arwenn and Aragorn. They lived happily together."

"Like us," Finland said. She turned and faced Caspar, kissing his cheek. "I want to take a shower and get ready. I have to look beautiful because there must be a lot of beautiful elves who will come and try to attract your attention."

"Ahahaha... there can't be anyone prettier than my wife," Caspar answered with a small laugh. "Impossible."

Finland was very happy to hear that. Caspar never hesitated to compliment her to show how much she was loved. She remembered that night when Caspar returned to Rose Mansion and decided to stay there so he could meet Finland every day and show his love, to hug her and hold her hand as often as possible, to support her, and say words of praises so that Finland's barren heart could slowly melt and able to accept love. Until now Caspar had not changed; he always treated her with love and adoration.

After taking a bath, Finland wore a creamy dress that wrapped her body very beautifully. Flora had called a makeup artist to dress them up, and Finland and Flora looked really stunning. Caspar and Louis were chatting in the library during the time their wives were getting ready. Aldebar was busy making sure the party preparations were done well. Kara, his assistant, was busy following his orders.

Time flew, and suddenly it was almost at 5 pm and guests began arriving. From the window, Finland could see many luxury cars arrive and parked in the very large courtyard of the castle. Not all guests came with cars; some came by taxi or rented cars because they came from far away. Whatever their means of arrival, they were all dressed in beautiful clothes and look very charming. Now, she really felt like she was in Rivendell.

Many Alchemist men have long hair, like Aldebar. Flora told Finland that an Alchemist's hair is a part of their body and an extension of their nervous system. It naturally gave them better senses, which was why their hair should never be cut.

This reminded Finland of the Native Americans who also grew their hair. She read this research about hair. Many Native American trackers were employed by the American army during the Vietnam war to trace the Vietcong guerrillas. However, the army required them to shave their heads, and suddenly their ability to track disappeared and they were not able to do their jobs.

"Nature has given us everything we need completely and perfectly," Flora explained further. "Birds have feathers, fish have scales, land animals have hair, all in the right size. Bears don't need to shave their fur, but their fur won't grow to meters, naturally, it would stop growing according to their needs. Snakes change their skin when the season arrives. Dogs who live in Tibet have longer and thicker fur than dogs who live in the warm tropics because they need thick fur to warm themselves. We are the same. We don't need to cut our hair, it will grow according to the needs of our bodies. " Flora lifted her left index finger and closed her eyes, "Hmm... with my sharp senses I can predict that it will rain later in the evening."

Finland saw how Flora's beautiful hair reached her waist. She also remembered that Sophia and Kara also have long hair... Apparently, they never cut their hair and it grew to the waist. While Aldebar's hair, which was also never cut, only grew to shoulder length.

"Did Caspar cut his hair? Why is his hair short?" Finland asked later. She just remembered, for six months together she had never seen Caspar cut his hair or shave. She just thought he was doing it when he wasn't with her.

Flora shook her head. "None of us cut our hair, Finland. Caspar's hair has been short for a very long time. Maybe his body naturally thought that was the right fit for him."

Only then Finland understood. Apparently, these Alchemist people were unique.

"So, Famke also doesn't cut her hair, then?" she asked again. She remembered that Famke had a short bob-styled hair that was very practical. "Is she really short-haired?"

"That's right. Famke is very active and long hair would only be troublesome for people with her profession."

"Personal bodyguard, you mean? But Jadeith has long hair..."

Flora looked at Finland with a complicated look.

"Famke isn't a personal bodyguard... She's a contract killer." She patted her forehead when she saw Finland's surprised look. "Oh... didn't you know?"

"Contract killer...? Does Caspar tell her to kill people?" Finland asked with a concerned look.

"Hmmm... for that you have to ask him yourself. I can't answer..." Flora shook her head slowly, "Caspar is not a bad person. He is the clan leader and is often in danger. That's why he has many personal guards. Famke was once assigned to kill Caspar, but she failed. Caspar forgave her and did not kill her because he knew Famke did not know that the person who hired her was a bad person. Since then, Famke felt indebted and decided to protect Caspar. But she still accepted occasional jobs as a hitman... "

Finland bit her lip. She realized that she knew very little about Caspar's life. Her husband had many enemies? And Famke was once hired to kill him?

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