Chapter 143 - I Will Wait For You At The Continental Hotel

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Finally, she found out who Rory really was. His real name was Lauriel and he was an alchemist.

Finland put two and two together and realized how Lauriel's strange attitude and unusual lifestyle now made sense.

"Do... do you have his phone number?"

"Why?" Lauriel asked.

If yesterday Lauriel asked who Aleksis' father was, Finland would not have told him, because she was afraid of revealing Caspar's identity and secret. But now that she knew Lauriel was an alchemist, there was nothing left to hide.

"He is Aleksis' father. I want to contact him."

"Later at the hotel," Lauriel said firmly.

Instantly Finland's heart blossomed. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Lauriel knew Caspar. Her efforts to contact Caspar would be much easier. She was a little sorry for not telling Lauriel earlier. If she had known, maybe she could have contacted Caspar since a year ago.

Thinking about this made her tears well up.

Lauriel, who saw that she was on the verge of crying, could only sigh. For the first time after meeting her at the hospital, he held Finland's hand.

The girl felt a little surprised. She felt that Lauriel was behaving rather differently since they left Hong Kong. She nodded slowly and pulled her hand away from Lauriel's grasp to wipe her tears away. Finland then averted her gaze out of the taxi window.

Lauriel kept his promise. He gave Caspar's phone number to Finland after they checked in at the hotel and sat in the living room of their suite. Finland could not help feeling ashamed when she dialed Caspar's number on her phone and entered her bedroom to call.



Please pick up...

Finland waited a long time.

Please... pick up.

After the tenth ring, the call was finally picked up.

"Hello, Caspar..." she immediately spoke, unable to bear Caspar's voice that she had missed for so long.

"Who is this?" Caspar's voice sounded as cold as ice.

"This is me..."

"Oh. What's up?"

Finland was surprised. She had no idea that Caspar's reaction would be like this. She was suddenly lost for words.

"Jean has woken up from his coma..." Then stopped. Finland didn't know what else to say.

"So now you believe me?" Caspar asked in a flat voice.

"I... yes. Thank you for giving him the immortality potion so he can survive."

"A year late, but all right, I accept your thank you." Caspar was silent for a moment. "Is there anything else?"

Finland's chest felt very heavy. She was indeed a year late but telling him that she lost her phone sounded like a made-up excuse for not calling soon enough...

"I... I have forgiven you..." She finally said.

"Oh, I see?" Far away in Hong Kong, Caspar drank a lot of alcohol to get rid of his sadness. Around him were empty bottles and broken glasses. He poured another glass of whiskey and then gulped it down slowly, while coming up with what to say to Finland, "I have always been the wrong one in our relationship. I have always been the one who apologized and pursued you. I loved you so much that I didn't even care about my pride. I did so many things for you, while you always had someone else on your mind. Even until the last moment, you chose Jean over me. Now, I realize, it's time I stop this madness and return to my true self..."

"Caspar... what do you mean?" Finland suddenly felt uncomfortable. This wasn't what she imagined when she could finally talk to Caspar again.

"What I meant was... please return my mother's ring, and never contact me again..."

Finland was shocked to hear that. Tears flowed in her eyes.

"We must not separate like this... I must meet you... Please, Caspar. I must meet you at least one more time. We cannot talk over the phone like this..."

Caspar was silent for a long time. Finally, he took a deep breath and agreed.

"All right. I'll wait for you tonight at the Continental Hotel in Singapore," he said before hanging up.


Finland was devastated when she put down her phone. She was very shocked by Caspar's response. She thought that Caspar would be very happy that she called. She imagined that he would come to pick her up as soon as possible.

But his attitude was very cold, and Finland could not find a way to tell him about her pregnancy and their child. She felt that the only way to go was to meet him in person and show Aleksis to Caspar.

She hoped that their meeting at the Continental Hotel would go smoothly.

"How was it?" Lauriel asked when Finland got out of her bedroom.

"I will meet him tonight at the Continental Hotel," Finland replied.

"Do you want me to come along?" asked Lauriel.

"No. I'll bring Aleksis myself."

"Hmm..." Lauriel said nothing more.

Finland really counted every minute into the night. She could not wait to go to the Continental Hotel to meet Caspar. She really missed him a lot.

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