Chapter 20 Truth Or Dare

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None of the girls seemed to happy about my idea but they'd get used to it.

"Okay who wants to go first?" I asked

Then all the girls look around.

"I'll go then, geez you guys are acting like you've never played this game before," I said

"Okay, Heather truth or dare?" Christina asked.

"Dare," I said.

"Truth it is, Are you mad that Travis brought the girl he was cheating on with on tour with us?" Christina asked.

"Yes, your turn, true or dare Chris" I said.

"Truth," Christina said.

"Are you getting back together with Vahe or are you keep playing mind games with Adam?" I asked.

"I don't think we should play this game," Michelle said.

"Yeah it's getting a little too emotional," Celeste says almost about to freak out.

"Not yet, answer Christina," I said.

"I don't know about Vahe and I , Adam is like a brother to me. If anything he's just pretending to like me to bug Vahe," Christina said.

"Alright, my turn," Celeste said eagerly.

"Truth or dare," Michelle asked.

"Dare," Celeste replied.

"I dare you to go into Travis's room and take his Chocolate bunny keeps underneath his pillow," Michelle dared.

"He'll go nuts," Celeste complained.

"That's the consequence," Michelle said.

Okay I really don't like him but even I think that's a bad idea. Anyways Celeste left the room then we all are just sitting there waiting for her.

"Cannot believe you made her go do that." I said.

"I can't believe you and Chris were fighting, I'm pretty sure you knew eachother way longer than you knew Celeste," Michelle mentioned.

She was right, we met Celeste in 6th grade but Chris and I are friends since kindergarten. Though Celeste is also my best friend but Chris and I have a better unspoken connection. I looked at Christina and she gave me her sorry look them I hugged her. We see Celeste waking the stairs empty handed.

"You didn't do the dare?," Michelle asked.

"I did, the dare was to take Travis's chocolate bunny you didn't say I can put it somewhere else,"

"Ooh, where did you put it?," I asked.

"Back under his pillow," Celeste confessed.

"Oh you suck at this. Hopefully you're better at coming up with dares then actually doing them, its your turn ask Christina," Michelle says.

"Truth or dare, if we were in a zombie apocalypse and you could only save one of us who would it be?," Celeste questioned.

"Ooh nice one," Michelle said.

"Uh, there's no way I'm answering that," Christina fought.

"Fine I dare you to[whispers in Chris's ear] Celeste said then Christina pushed her way.

"Heck no!," Christina argues.

"Then answer the question, " Michelle teased.

Christina got up and walked over to the front doors of the mansion, she opened them and yelled "My Name is Christina and I'm in love with Vahe!!!," she yelled and we laughed as we heard her voice echo probably through half the town.

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