Chapter 22 Backfired

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We're in the living room going over more plans. It's been about a half an hour.

"I wonder if it worked? Heather you go check." Cj said.

"Alright, I'm going," I said getting up then walking upstairs and getting closer to their door.

"That movie was really good," Travis said.

"It was okay, I'm gonna take shower," she says.

"Want me to come with?," Travis asked.

"Nope." Alexis said then I heart faint footsteps.

I moved away from the doors confused about what just happened. I think she's covering up her constipation with a shower cover, ugh smart chic. I walk back downstairs to the living room and tell the guys she's in the bathroom.

"Well at least she'll be in there for a while," Adam said.

Kevin, Vahe, and JJ come back with bags in their hands.

"What'd you guys get?," Michelle asked.

"It's a bunch of stuff we won at the arcade," JJ said.

"What are you guys up to?" Kevin asked then the room grew silent.

"Should we tell him?,"Celeste whispered then I shushed her.

"Tell us what?," Vahe asked.

"That Heather's thinking about telling Travis she still loves him," Brooke said then my mouth dropped open.

"Oh poor Heather, what Travis did to you was unforgivable," JJ said.

"But I-,"

"Yeah, he should have stepped up but he's still too busy being brainwashed by Alexis," Kevin said.

"Wait, so you guys don't think he should be with Alexis?" I asked.

"Of course not, we don't know that chick. In fact she'll probably the new Shelly," Vahe said.

Jeez, she's definitely a new kind of Shelly. I mean at least Shelly didn't pretend to like us, Alexis is on a whole new level of manipulation. And I can't decide whether or not Travis deserves a person like her.

"It just really sucks to know that all that time we've been together could be easily broken up by a some stranger,"I say.

"I get it, Travis isn't a bad guy he just has commitment issues and secretly a little self conscious. Maybe this Alexis fling is a way to stroke his ego,"JJ said.

Okay, we're discussing things I've never had the patience to really think about. Travis walks into the room saying sup guys and I quickly get up and leave. I run upstairs into my current room and use the bathroom, ugh it's like the fifth time today. I'm so tired, my cell starts to ring and then I answered it.

"Hey babe I miss you," Billy said.

"Don't, I'll be back by the end of the week. What's up?" I asked him.

" Just watching Supernatural, you?" he asked.

"My girls and I are trying to get back at Alexis, I can't believe she's been married this whole time,"

"Well that doesn't sound like you're problem, does it even matter?"

"Yes, we're just trying to make sure we don't have to deal with another Shelly on our hands,"

"Ugh, don't remind me," I laughed at his comment.

"You don't have to worry Billy, I love you,"

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