Chapter 8 Forgiveness

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Celeste fell to the floor.

"How did you get in here." Celeste said.

"I used the key you keep under the welcome mat." Simon said.

" How did you know that I keep my keys under the mat. " Celeste said.

"Typical place to put a spare key, you should probably put it some place else." Simon said.

Simon held out his hand.

"Im not gonna hurt you." Simon said.

"I don't trust you." Celeste said.

Simon took Celeste's hand and pulled her up.

"I'm sorry." Simon said.

He took her hand and pulled her in the living room. They both sat on the couch.

"Continue." Celeste said.

"I don't know what went over me, I was drunk,and I just get so mad easily, and I don't know what I'm gonna say to JJ." Simon said.

"You made him so upset, he told me that he used to look up to you but then you changed, why?" Celeste said.

Simon looked down.

"I guess it was because I was so competitive, when I wasn't number one I wasn't anyone, I started not caring about anything, I had no self respect, I let JJ and everyone else down." Simon said.

She hugged him.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me." Simon said.

"Maybe." Celeste said.

"I'll make it up to you, I'll wash your car, and do your laundry, and make you bacon and bring you roses every morning for a month." Simon said.

Then they both laughed.

"But seriously, I'll make it up to you and everyone else." Simon said.

"I'm so proud of you, and you have to promise to never drink alcohol unless your at a strip club ,a bachelor party, or in Vegas , then in that case it's acceptable." You said.

Simon smiled at Celeste. That cute sexy smile of his.

"Okay." Simon said.

He kissed her on the cheek.

"Thank you for being so understanding." Simon said.

"Thank you for opening up to me, I'll always be there for you Simon." Celeste said.

"What do I do now?" Simon asked.

"You have to talk to JJ and V." Celeste said.

"Can you come with me?" Simon said.

"No, I trust that you can do this on your own." Celeste said.

"Okay." Simon said.

Meanwhile Kevin, Michelle , and I are at my place. Kevin and Michelle are almost done cleaning the kitchen. I walked in the room.

"I want this room spotless." I said.

"Since when did we become servants?" Kevin said.

"Since you two sassed me then destroyed my kitchen." I said then crossed my arms.

"I'm sorry." Michelle said.

"Don't be." Kevin said then I stormed out.

"Okay we're done now." Kevin said.

"Good." Michelle said.

"Now what?" Kevin said.

"We go to my place" Michelle said.

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