Are We There Yet? (Vladimar,Stefan x Reader)

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is September 21, 2020. My Stranger Things fanfiction, Fued, is coming to a close very soon and the sequel will be up by the end of the week! I'm super excited to get started on Season 3. Enjoy!

Pairing: Vladimir x Reader x Stefan 

Relationship: Romance

Plot: I am the secret adopted daughter of the Cullen family and have been kept hidden from all the vampires for years but since I will need to be changed soon. the family decides to introduce me to all the covens. We spend the summer travelling meeting so many different covens. Finally we reach the mountains of Romania. I can tell that Edward is on edge and ask what's wrong. He asks Carisle if we have to introduce me to them and Carisle says we should in case I run into them. We eventually arrive at an incredible gothic castle. As we step out of the car there is silence and Edward warns me to stay by him. We enter the old castle and it is slightly creepy but also fascinating. Carisle calls out but we hear nothing. As we explore I wonder if they are here until I see a shadow dart past. I jump around but see nothing. Edward orders them to come out and stop playing games. We hear two laughs. Carisle reassures them that we are not there to harm them. Finally two figures emerge. They are good looking but dangerous. Carisle explains why we are here and beckons me forward. They both start to flirt with me which makes Edward growl. Carisle watches with interest while I am overwhelmed as no one has ever showed interest. in me. Carisle soon realises why they are so interested as I am meant to make up for the mates they lost

Carlisle throws the last suitcase in the car. "You ready, Y/n?"

The beautiful h/c girl nods. "I'm ready. Let's go meet some vampires."

Edward, Jasper, Emmett, Alice, Rosalie, Carlisle and Esme pile into the large SUV Carlisle bought. 

Bella and Renesmee stand outside and wave them off. Edward wanted them to stay home with Jacob. 

Y/n pulls out a large bag. "I got all the essentials for you guys." She flashes a blood bag at them. "Since you guys have to be lame and only drink blood, there wasn't much fun road trip snacks to pack. I guess I'll just eat these Pringles by myself," she sighs sadly, cramming her mouth with chips as she innocently looks at the rest of her vampire family.

Emmett snorts and flicks her head. "Hey!" Carlisle smirks at Esme. "This should be a fun family roadtrip.


"Benjamin was sooo nice!" Y/n gushes, hiking up behind Edward Carlisle. "The girls in the Denali coven were sweet too. I feel bad for Irina though. I would have liked to meet her."

Edward has visibly been tense this entire time. "Edward, what's up?" 

He shakes his head. "Carlisle, do we really have to introduce her?"

Carlisle nods. "Yes, she should meet all of the covens, in case we ever run into them again."

Y/n sighs and drags her feet along the forest floor. Glancing beside her, she swears she saw a figure dart past her. She shakes it off as paranoia. "Jesus, how much longer? Are we there yet? Where does the Romanian Coven live? A cave?" 

Right as she says that, the treeline breaks to reveal a massive stone castle dusted with snow perched atop a stone ledge. "Wow," she breathes. "I really don't want to climb that."

"Really, Carlisle? Another human?" A voice drawls from behind them

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"Really, Carlisle? Another human?" A voice drawls from behind them.

Unfazed, Carlisle responds. "I assure you, it's not like Renesmee's situation. We mean no harm."

Y/n whips around to see two men perches in the trees surrounding them. A blonde and black haired man eye her. Her eyes narrow. They are obviously good looking, but proceeding with caution should be best. They look like they would rip someone's throat out in the blink of an eye. The platinum blonde hops down and takes Y/n's hand, kissing it gently while maintaining eye contact. "I didn't know that a human could be so... beautiful."

Y/n blushes. The other vampire comes down and circles her. "You are right, Vladimir. She is beautiful. Tell me Carlisle, what brings you to our humble abode?" He gestures towards the large castle that looms over the group. 

"Carlisle and Esme adopted her after her parents died," Edward explains. "She is not yet a vampire, but will be turned after she graduates. We wanted to introduce her to all the covens. Romania was our last stop."

"Well then, I welcome you, superba, to our little slice of cer," the blonde, now named Vladimir, says. "Allow Stefan and I to lead the way." Superba means gorgeous, and Cer means heaven. I am probably wrong; I used Google Translate. 

Stefan and Vladimir take Y/n hands and lead her up to a pathway that trails up to the castle. Edward growls at the Romanian vampires being so close with his little sister.

Carlisle observes the situation cooly, staying close but not being suspicious. Suddenly, it hits him. He's not a relationship reader, but it's obvious that Y/n is their mate. 

i really apologize if this is bad

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