Yellow (Mike Wheeler x Reader)

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is February 17th, 2021. This was requested by a good friend of mine, so I'll fill this out to the best of my ability. I kinda blew up overnight because of my Tom Hiddleston x Reader that features my best friend, 221b_blogger101, who is really popular.

Can you please make a season 3 book where the character is the sister of steve Harrington but when they go to visit the Russians they capture her and inject a serum that gives her a powerful power like Wanda or Caption Marvel? And could you make it Reader x Mike Wheeler.? Please It would make my Year!

Y/n's eyes lock with the rows of green serum in front of her. Her mind wanders to her boyfriend, Mike. Is he okay? God, I should be with him, not in this hell-hole. "Hey. Hey, Y/n. Earth to you. Come on, we need to move. We've gotta get back to everyone." Steve, her brother, beckons, snapping his fingers in front of her face. 

She snaps out of her trance and nods, shifting her weight on her heels and coming to a realization of her surroundings. Robin, Erica, Steve, and her are crouched behind shipping containers in the control room of the Russian base. 

Robin begins crawling from one container to another, everyone else following. Just before Y/n ducks behind the second container, she glances over her shoulder and spots a soldier staring at her. "Shit," she mutters. "Sorry, Steve."

"Wha-" he begins before she shoves him down on top of the other. Y/n jumps out and launches herself at the solider. Her 13-year old body is able to throw the soldier's weight, sending them both to the ground.

More soldiers swarm in and grab Y/n by the arms, pulling her off. She kicks at them, to no avail. A short, gout man strolls up. He clearly holds more rank by his lazy posture and uniform. He clicks his tongue at her and cocks his head. As if on cue, a soldier comes up and hits the butt of his gun into the side of Y/n's head. The world spins into darkness.


Y/n groans, consciousness flooding her brain along with a horrible pain. Her eyes open, and she blinks away the forced sleep. She locked into some type of metal chair. Two Russian attendents flit around her, tapping on screens and messing with tools.

"What-" she groans in pain. "What are you doing to me?"

A tall attendant looks at her. "We're doing a little...experiment."

A shorter one picks up a container of the green serum and another of some thick red substance, and pours them both into a large glass bowl. With a metal rod, he mixes it together, creating a glowing yellow substance. The scent of something slightly burning fills the room and Y/n wrinkles her nose. 

He pours the combined fluid into a large syringe, fit for a horse. He looks up at Y/n, who pales. She begins whimpering and struggling against her metal restraints. "No. No, no, no, no. Please! No, leave me alone, please!" She begs.

The tall attendent pries her mouth open and places a thick piece of leather against her tongue. She yells against it, depserately trying to get the attention of someone, anyone. It's muffled and trapped in the thick hide. 

The short attendent pushes her sleeve up and sticks the needle in her. He pushes the yellow serum through it, and she feels it, whatever it is, pulsing through her veins. It tingles, burning just a little. She feels it coursing down her arm, up into her neck, down her legs into her toes, and pushing it's way back up to her brain, filling her head with a pain so horrid, she can't even express a brain signal to scream.

Lastly it swirls through her heart, stilling it and forever tinting it yellow. 

Something fleets through her. A feeling. It's not rage. It's not panic or fear. It's not happiness. Y/n doesn't know what it is. But it pounds through her, strumming its own rhythm that she sings sweetly to. 

Y/n rips her arms up and pop off the restraints. The attendent goes to grab her, but she throws her hand out. A blast of bright yellow shoots out of her palm and hits the attendant in the chest, throwing him against the wall. He slides down, his life force draining out.

Y/n feels the force slither out of him, and across the floor. It attaches itself to her foot and crawls up her. It reaches her heart and throws itself into her. She gasps as she feels more strength return to her.

She throws her other hand out and knocks the other attendant away from her, collecting his force as well. "I just...killed. And took their life forces. I have powers. I'm- I'm strong," she gasps.

Y/n throws open the door to the chamber. Dozens of terrified Russians stare at her, her body and eyes gleaming yellow. "I'm coming Mike," she breathes.

part 2 will be up tomorrow hopefully!

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