Chapter 1

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My name is Mackenzie Harrison. I am 2 years younger than my big brother George. He was born in 1943. I'm 17 and it's 1962 right now. We are both singers in the band called The Beatles. I'm the youngest and they all treat me like big brothers. I was born in 1945 if you haven't guessed. I was adopted from America. George and I are a lot alike. We are both shy and get embarrassed easily. George is still very protective over me. We rarely fight.

"Mackenzie, d'ya want a sandwich?"Paul asked.

"Ham,"I replied sitting on the counter.

He handed me the sandwich and I bit into it.

"Why're'ya always sittin on the counters?"Ringo asked.

"I don't know,"I shrugged my shoulders.

I hopped off and finished my sandwich. I walked into the living room and seen John on the phone with his girlfriend, Cynthia.

"I love ya, bye,"He hung up.

I sat on the couch next to him. John gave me a crazy look.

"What?"I asked.

"Ya have somethin on yer cheek,"He used his fingers to get it off.

George cleared his throat.

"What?"I asked.

"I'm just gonna squeeze in here,"George sat between John and I.

I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously?"I asked.

"What?"George asked.

"You know,"I walked to my room.

I grabbed my diary and my pen and began to write.
Dear Diary,
George is getting annoying. I can't have a normal conversation with John, Paul, or Ringo without him walking in and sitting between us. It sucks. I know it's what big brothers do but it is ruining my life. I love him but he needs to stop. I'm pretty sure I'll never get a boyfriend just because of him. He can have a girlfriend without getting protected but i can't have a friend that's a boy without getting protected. George, I know you're probably going to read this so uh yeah. I hope you get the point.
-Mackenzie Harrison

I can't write about any of my crushes. George doesn't know that I know he reads my diary every day. I think John and Ringo are really cute. Ringo is just so adorable and John is just so perfect. Their accents make me go crazy. Someone knocked on my door.

"Come on!"I shouted and rolled onto my back.

It was Paul.

"George wants ya ta come out ta the living room,"Paul said and left.

I walked out and sat on the floor.

"John, Paul, Ringo, and I are going out tonight. D'ya wanna come?"George asked.

"Yes,"I nodded.

"Get dressed, don't wear those weird things,"He pointed.

I ran to my room and got dressed. I put on a black skirt that made it to my thighs, a white button up blouse that was short sleeved, black heels, my hair braided, and red lipstick on. I walked out and seen all of them in slacks, a dress up shirt, and shoes. George looked at me and shook his head. We got in the limo.

"Where are we going?"I asked.

"Out,"George answered.

I sighed.

"And, what in the world are ya wearing?"He asked.

"Clothes,"I snapped.

When we arrived we walked in and immediately were surrounded by fans.

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