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Hobbs is sitting at his desk as he stamps 'captured' on a man's profile before wiping sweat from his head with the towel that is around his neck.

"You're disappointed, aren't you?" Elena asks as she leans on his door frame.

"What are you talking about?" Hobbs asks her as he wipes his hands with the towel.

"The last arrest," Elena answers him as she walks into the office. He was too easy. Target didn't even run."

"Ah, it's okay. Gives me a chance to hit the iron," Hobbs tells her with a slight smile. "Also lets me work on my stamping skills." Hobbs stamps another profile.

"You're a terrible liar," Jayden says with a smirk as she walks into the office as well, sitting on his desk.

"See you tomorrow, boss," Elena says with a knowing smile.

"I'll see you then," Hobbs tells her.

"Don't stay too late," Elena says.

"I'll stay as long as I want, Woman," Hobbs says with a smirk.

"I knew you would say that," Elena says causing Hobbs to chuckle.

"Don't worry I'll make sure he gets out of here," Jayden tells Elena with a smile before they hug and Elena leaves. Jayden walks over to Hobbs, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as he picks up an envelope on his desk before letting out a sigh. "You need to give that to her, you know."

"I know," Hobbs says with another sigh before he and Jayden share a quick kiss.

"Lets go before she leaves," Jayden says with a smile before leading the way out of the office.

"Elena!" Hobbs calls as he reaches the parking lot. Hobbs and Jayden reach her before Hobbs gives her the envelope.

"What's this?" Elena asks him.

"It's the letter of recommendation you asked for," Hobbs answers her. "Just know I meant every word in there."

"Thanks, Hobbs," Elena tells him with a small smile. "Thanks for everything."

"Come on, way too sentimental right now," Hobbs says as he looks around causing Elena and Jayden to laugh as Jayden lightly shoves his arm. "Get home. Good night."

"Okay, Good night," Elena says before she gets into her car.

"Someone else should call it a night," Jayden says with a smile as she turns to Hobbs.

"Fine. Let me go get my stuff," Hobbs says before kissing Jayden on the forehead. "I'll be back." As Hobbs is walking back to his office he sees a man at his computer, typing. Hobbs reaches for his gun before realizing that he left it in his office. Hobbs clears his throat as he walks into his office.

"Just one sec," The man says as he holds up a finger.

"You sure as hell ain't the IT guy," Hobbs says as he stares at the man. "So you better start talking before I break that finger six different ways and stick it right where the sun doesn't shine."

"Agent Hobbs, right?" The man asks without looking at him.

"That's right," Hobbs answers him. "I'm also the last man on Earth whose computer you want to be hacking into. You just earned yourself a dance with the devil, boy. You're under arrest."

"Like I said, I'm here for the team that crippled my brother," The man says as he continues to look at the computer screen.

"There ain't no goddamn team," Hobbs tells him as he thinks about protecting Jayden. "It was just one man, and he's standing right in front of you." The man pulls an usb device out of the computer.

"O'Conner was right," The man says as he turns to face Hobbs, causing Hobbs to glare at him as he uses Jayden's last name. "You are a terrible liar." The man kicks the desk at Hobbs before jumping over it, kicking Hobbs in the face which sends Hobbs through the glass wall. Hobbs throws the man through one glass wall before punching the man through another wall. They exchange punches before the man tackles Hobbs to a lower level, landing on a desk. They continue to exchange punches before Hobbs slams the man through a table onto the ground.

"Damn IT guys," Hobbs says as he gets up before the man grabs a piece of glass, cutting each of Hobbs' knees. The man gets up grabbing a light before slamming it against Hobbs' head causing Hobbs to flip over a couch. Hobbs looks up to see a gun strapped under a desk. Hobbs grabs the gun before shooting at the man, who ducks for cover.

"Luke!" Jayden calls as she rushes into the room before also shooting at the man.

"On me!" Hobbs orders her. The man throws a bomb at Hobbs before flipping a desk and hiding behind it. Hobbs sees the bomb before he sees Jayden. "Jay!" Hobbs grabs Jayden before the bomb goes off. The explosion sends them out of the building. The blast sends the desk that the man is behind flying back against the wall, along with him. Hobbs lands on the roof of a car with Jayden safely on top of him.

"Luke?" Jayden asks as she catches her breath. Hobbs doesn't respond. "Luke!"

"Jayden! Hobbs!" Elena yells as she rushes over to the car, having not left yet. The man gets out of behind the desk, looking around before his eyes land on Hobbs' computer which has Han's profile brought up.

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