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"So, there were three bags total, huh? The three from the boat," Markham asks as he walks over to Brian, Rome, and Jayden.

"So we good, right? My record's clean?" Rome questions him.

"You held up your end. Your records are clean," Markham answers him before Rome walks off.

"So maybe there was six bags. I guess we can call it even," Rome says as he comes back before dropping the bags in front of Markham.

"Agent Dunn. We found some more evidence. Come on. Let's take it to the truck," Markham orders before they take the bags away.

"Don't drop the soap, big homey," Rome tells Verone, who is getting stitched up.

"I hope you know that when he gets out, he's gonna kill your ass," Brian says to Rome.

"He ain't gettin' out," Rome says as Jayden stands.

"I'll see you soon," Verone tells Rome.

"You think he gonna get out?" Rome asks slightly worried.

"He'll be out," Jayden answers as she walks over to Monica and Bilkins.

"No, for real. You think he gettin' out, though?" Rome asks as he follows Brian.

"We took care of your decoys. They're free and clear. There's a sedan out on the road for you. Try to bring it back in one piece," Bilkins explains causing Jayden to smile.

"Yeah. Thanks a lot, Bilkins," Jayden says before hugging him. "You're all right."

"Thanks for lookin' out, man," Brian tells Bilkins as they shake hands.

"So you trust me now?" Monica asks Rome.

"You a'ight," Rome answers her before she shakes his hand with the injured arm.

"Sorry," Monica apologizes before turning to Brian. "Nice working with you, O'Conners," Monica says before she and Jayden hug.

"Same here," Brian tells her before he, Jayden, and Rome start heading for the sedan.

"Mm. I'm-a have to stay out here in Miami, man. Keep you out of trouble, brah. You know what I'm talkin' about," Rome says as they walk causing Brian to laugh.

"So you gonna kick it in Miami, bro?" Brian asks him.

"Oh, man, I love Miami. Miami's off the hook," Rome says happily as Brian looks around to make sure no one is nearby.

"Open a garage together," Brian says as he keeps looking forward.

"A garage?" Rome asks confused. "How we gonnado that, brah?"

"Pockets ain't empty, cuz," Jayden answers him with a smirk.

"And we ain't hungry no more either, brah," Rome says with a laugh as he raises his shirt to reveal stacks of money in his waistband.

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