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"Look, folk, if y'all really wanna carry out this plan, it's definitely the best place to do it. What do y'all think, man?" Tej asks as he shows them the place.

"I think it's perfect," Jayden answers as Brian nods in agreement before they go to the garage.

"Hey, man, this thing's clean," Jayden says as she and Brian look under the blue car.

"There is still one problem," Brian says as he looks from the car to his sister. "Roberto and Enrique." Jayden looks at the car for a second before getting an idea.

"Hey, Jimmy," Jayden says as she turns to the man.

"Yeah. What up?" Jimmy responds as he turns to face her.

"We have any half-empty bottles of nitrous laying around?" Jayden asks causing Brian and Rome to look at her confused.

"Sure, but I already loaded you for spray," Jimmy answers her.

"No. I'm thinkin' we may need it for somethin' else, cause our cars may get a little crowded, you know?" Jayden explains as she lightly hits the car door causing Brian and Rome to smirk at her.

"Man, when you start eatin' so much?" Brian asks as they walk over to a pier.

"I was in jail, brah. I know how shitty the grub is on the inside. With the way things is shapin' up out here right now, it'll be a matter of time before I'm back in there or dead. So I'm tryin' to eat all I can while I can," Rome explains to him as Jayden leans her head on Rome's shoulder. "Plus the doctor tell me I got a high metabolism."

"Man, you remember us growing up? You know, playing football in the dirt. You know, gettin' in trouble, all the stupid things we did," Brian reminisces causing Jayden to smile before he turns serious. "When you got busted, you know, whether I was a cop or not, you know, if there was anything I could've done, I would've done it, and I just want you to know that."

"Is that why you let that dude go in L.A.?" Rome asks him.

"Yeah. I think that had a lot to do with it," Brian answers him.

"When I got busted, it wasn't your fault. It was all on me, Mr. Roman Pearce... wild-and-out crazy, man. No one can tell me nothin. Ridin' solo," Rome explains.

"Yeah, well, not anymore. Not anymore, bro," Jayden tells him as she hugs him.

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