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Hobbs and a group of soldiers lead Deckard into a prison. As they walk guns appear in the holes in the walls.
"You sure you brought enough backup with you, Hobbs?" Deckard asks as he looks around.
"Oh, they ain't mine," Hobbs tells him. "They're here to protect you from me killing your ass." A cell door opens before Deckard walks in, sitting on the bed.
"You do know none of this will keep me, right?" Deckard asks Hobbs with a sigh, causing Hobbs to chuckle.
"Well, once you dig through 38 feet of concrete and steel, my fist and a body bag will be waiting for you on the other side," Hobbs answers him with a smirk. "So I suggest you get to digging, boy."

Mia, Jayden, Samantha, and Jack are playing on the beach while Brian, Dom, Letty, Hobbs, Tej, Rome, and Ramsey sit around watching and talking.
"Daddy! Come play!" Mia yells at Brian for Jack.
"Yeah," Brian says with a smile.
"Look at him. Look at him," Mia tells Jack as she points at Brian before Jack runs over to Brian.
"Yeah, buddy," Brian says as he picks Jack up.
"Duty calls," Dom says with a smile.
"It does," Brian says in agreement.
"Hey, babe. Come on," Mia says as Brian gets up.
"Let's get Mama. Yeah!" Brian tells Jack as they make their way over to Mia. "Here we go!"
"Come on, dad," Samantha calls causing Jayden to turn and smile at Hobbs.
"Duty calls," Hobbs says as he walks over to Samantha and Jayden.
"Because the sun is out, I'm kind of medium rare, but I can get, like, well done. Like, really dark," Rome rambles as he talks to Tej and Ramsey. Tej nudges Rome as he watches Brian, Mia, and Jack and Hobbs, Jayden, and Samantha. "What you nudging me for?"
"Close your mouth for two seconds," Tej tells him before pointing at Mia, Brian, and Jack and Hobbs, Jayden, and Samantha. "Just open your eyes, man." Brian picks up Jack with a smile on his face.
"Beautiful," Rome says as he watches Hobbs kneel down before kissing Jayden's very pregnant stomach.
"That's where they belong," Letty says as she watches Brian and Jayden.
"Home," Dom says in agreement with her. "Where the O'Conner's have always belonged." Letty looks over at Dom with a small smile before looking back at Brian and Jayden.
"Things are gonna be different now," Rome says with a small smile causing Tej to smile and nod in agreement. Brian picks Jack back up as Dom stands up.
"You aren't going to say goodbye?" Ramsey asks Dom as he starts walking away.
"It's never goodbye," Dom answers her as he watches Brian hold Jack and wrap an arm around Mia and Hobbs wrap his arms around Jayden and Samantha. Brian kisses Mia before he hears Dom's car. Jayden gives Hobbs a quick kiss before Brian and Jayden get into his car.

Dom is driving before he comes to a stop at a four way stop.
"Hey," Jayden says as Brian pulls up beside Dom.
"You thought you could leave without saying goodbye?" Brian asks him.

"I used to say I live my life a quarter-mile at a time," Dom thinks with a smile. "And I think that's why we were family. Because y'all did too."

"Hey, Mia, you better hide your baby oil," Rome says causing Jayden to smile and shake her head. "I'm just playing."
"You better hide that big ass forehead," Hobbs retorts causing Tej to spit out his beer and Jayden to laugh.
"I was just joking but whatever," Rome says offended. "Definitely not that funny."
"It's official," Hobbs says as he stands in front of Brian, Mia, Letty, and Dom. "You're all free."

"Home sweet home," Dom says as he pulls up at a street race, while Brian and Jayden look around with smiles on their faces. They get out of the car before looking around at all of the other cars.
"How about that?" Brian asks as he nods towards a bright blue car. Jayden scrunches her nose in disgust at the bright blue color. "All motor, no tuning issues. I always wanted one of those."

"Good race, O'Conner," Dom says as he walks over to the others.
"Thanks, Dom," Brian says before turning to Rome, Jayden, and Han. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for that shit?" Rome smiles at him as they bro hug.
"I told you he didn't see it," Han says as he looks at Brian, who looks between her, Rome, and Han confused.
"Your man right there?" Rome says as he motions to Dom. "He let off the throttle at the line. You didn't do nothing. He let you win."
"He's right big brother," Jayden says before walking off.
"Bullshit," Brian says as Rome and Han start to walk away, causing him to frown.

"Hey, Jimmy," Jayden says as she turns to the man.
"Yeah. What up?" Jimmy responds as he turns to face her.
"We have any half-empty bottles of nitrous laying around?" Jayden asks causing Brian and Rome to look at her confused.
"Sure, but I already loaded you for spray," Jimmy answers her.
"No. I'm thinkin' we may need it for somethin' else, cause our cars may get a little crowded, you know?" Jayden explains as she lightly hits the car door causing Brian and Rome to smirk at her.

Brian and Mia are walking along the beach before they stop to kiss. They walk back up to the house as they hear two engines before seeing a camaro and a challenger. Dom and Elena get out of the challenger while Jayden gets out of the camaro. Dom and Jayden share a quick hug before they walk over to Mia and Brian, who have smiles on their faces.

Brian and Mia start uncovering the cars while Jayden puts the keys in them. They stand back as the side of the freighter is cut into. The side then rips off from the speed of the train.
"Look who showed up," Vince says as he and Dom walk into the train.

"I always thought he would be an uncle before I was an aunt," Jayden says causing Mia and Brian to laugh before she pulls them into a hug.
"Dom? Promise me we stick together," Mia says as they turn to face him.
"I promise," Dom tells her before walking over and pulling all three of them in a hug. "Our family just got bigger."

"Money will come and go. We know that. But the most important thing in life will always be the people in this room. Right here. Right now. Salude, mi familia."
"Salude," Everyone says as they all touch their beers together.

Brian and Dom both take off from the four way stop. They look at each other and smile before they each take a different path at the fork in the road.

"No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter-mile away or halfway across the world. You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother and sister."

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