Chapter 17

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(Jems pov)

Patrick and I got off the plane and I grabbed his hand as we made it over to the luggage carousel. I could tell Patrick was nervous his hands were getting sweaty and he was almost shaking.

"Pat calm down everything will be fine," I said smiling. I then thought shouldn't it be the opposite way? Shouldn't I be the one scared?

"PAT!!!" We heard being yelled from three different voices. We whipped our heads around and I saw three beautiful girls.

"Hey guys!" Patrick said as he embraced them in a big group hug.

"This must be the famous Jennifer?" One of his sisters asked smiling her beautiful perfectly straight teeth showing.

"Yeah I'm Jennifer but, you can just call me Jem," I said smiling and extending my hand.

"Well I'm Jacqueline and don't be silly give me a hug," she said throwing her arms around me. I cautiously wrapped my arms around her. It felt strange having someone just be so affectionate.

"I'm Jessica and this is Erica," the other girl said and they both gave me hugs.

"Where's mom?" Patrick asked.

"Waiting in the car she's so excited to see you," Erica said smiling.

As we approached the nice Range Rover I began to get a little nervous.

"Don't be nervous! She'll love you," I heard someone whisper in my ear. I jumped slightly and turned to see Erica smiling at me. I felt like her and I would end up being really good friends.

"I'm glad to see you again!" Patricks mom said smiling turned around in her seat.

"You must be Jennifer. I'm Donna," she said smiling and reaching her hand back for me to shake.

"Yes ma'am but, you can just call me Jem," I said smiling and shaking her hand.

"Well let's get home!" She announced and we drove the 35 minute distance to Patricks beautiful home he grew up in. I was in awe once we pulled up. although snow covered the ground you could still see the two story house that looked absolutely gorgeous.

Patricks mom pulled the car into the driveway and then we headed inside. Patricks mom then pulled Patrick and then myself into a big hug.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you," she said smiling. Which made me smile. I hope they liked me.

"Jem want to go shopping?" Erica asked me.

I glanced at Patrick for permission. "Go ahead baby," Patrick told me smiling and then handing me his credit card.

"Pat I don't need this," I told him attempting to give it back.

"Don't worry about it. Just go have fun babe," Patrick said kissing my lips.

"Be home by 7:30 for dinner," momma Kane told Erica and I before we headed out.

"You guys all seem really close," I said smiling as we drove to the mall. I was absolutely amazed by how beautiful Buffalo was.

"We are," she said smiling and then glancing at me before returning her eyes back to the road.

We pulled up to the mall and I was excited to shop. After an hour of shopping we sat down and ate at the food court.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" I questioned smiling.

"No... but I do have a crush," she said smiling.

"Ohhhhh tell me!" I said squealing and leaning in closer to her.

"You have to promise to keep it a secret," she said glancing down at her lap than at me.

"Pinky promise," I said before holding out my pinky to her. We locked pinkies and then she sighed before glancing around and finally telling me

"I like Jonathan..."

"As in Jonathan Toews? Your brothers best friend!?" I asked trying to prevent my shock from coming through but, I don't think it worked in the slightest.

"Yeah.. I've liked him for years now but, than he got together with Lindsay and Patrick would kill me if he knew!" She said blushing slightly.

"Jonathan actually broke up with Lindsay two days ago," I informed her. Yup Jonathan finally broke up with that evil witch. I was happy about it and honestly I think Erica and Jonathan would look adorable together. "you should talk to him tomorrow when he comes for the game," I said smiling. Patrick and I flew in early so he could hang out with his family.

"I don't know," she said blushing.

"I'll help you out girl!" I said smiling

"Thanks," she said before we got up and threw our trash away.

We walked into Victoria secret. "welcome ladies 60 percent off all bras today," the consultant at the front said.

"Yay!" I cheered quietly as Erica and I looked at bras. I picked up a red lace one. "Cute right?" I said smiling.

"Yeah for sure," Erica said smiling.

"Let's find something for you and Jonathan," I winked.

"Stop! We aren't even together!" She said her face burning red from embarrassment. I giggled and we soon checked out.

Erica and I walked in the house shopping bags lining our arms.

"You just had to let them go shopping," Jessica joked to Patrick.

I put my bags down and put Patricks card back in his wallet. I smiled when I saw a picture of him and I in it. "Watcha doing?" Patrick asked wrapping his arms around me.

"This picture," I said smiling at the picture of Patrick and I. I was wearing my Kane jersey kissing Patrick and he was dressed in all his gear.

"Yeah that's my favorite picture," pat said smiling.

"Mine too," I said smiling kissing his cheek.

"Come on. I want you to meet someone and dinners ready," Patrick said grabbing my hand and smiling and dragging me down the stairs.

"Hey grandpa this is Jennifer," Patrick said. I instantly smiled. Patrick was super close to his grandpa so I was honored to meet him.

I was pulled into a hug by Patricks grandpa. "nice to meet you," I said smiling.

"I'm glad pat finally found a pretty lady," he said smiling before we all sat down to eat. Dinner was amazing!

"Jem! Come here!" Yelled Erica.

"Where are you?" I questioned trying to follow her voice.

"Second door on the left!" She shouted. I walked into her room.

"I texted him!" She said panic stricken.

"What did he say?" I questioned excited.

"This!" She said showing me her phone.

"Oh my god...." I said staring at the text.
A/N- so hey! Here's an update! Sorry about the cliff hanger but, I hope y'all like it! I enjoyed writing it :)

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