Jimin - 102

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the wedding is in less than a month, i feel like I'll have a mental breakdown soon and my skin looks like shit because of the stress but hey im doing great 🙃


we got to the panic
phase of this engagement,

aw bub I'm sorry you're
stressed but I'm sure
it'll be worth it 🥰

wdym your skin is
clearer than my
future 😡

sir you're perfect

i can't believe it's in less
than a month why is
time moving so fast

jskskdjdiejej I can't wait

i relate to the mental
breakdown part lmao

uwuuu it's gonna be ok
jiminie don't stress
yourself too much and
remember to drink a lot
of water

i will destroy the stress
for bothering you king

aw that sucks, remember
we'll always be here if
you need a break

leave yoongi and marry
me i promise you
won't regret it

jimin I told you you need
to stop stressing yourself
so much 😡 let other people
do some of the work, this
is your wedding and you
should just sit back and
enjoy it

this is such a relatable
post lmao

@sbk are you getting
married to a famous
music producer any time

@Sarah_Inst ...

jiminnn we love you
pls always remember that

god I can only imagine the
stress, im never getting
married guys

i wish I could hug him

if only you let me help
you organizing it 😒

@itsseokjin you wanted
my wedding to be
dinosaur themed

@chimjimin95 I SWEAR

let me help chimm

@hoseokk it's ok hyunggg
I'm not making you drive all
the way here from seul

hey keep in mind that you're
organizing a wedding while
being the most beautiful
man on earth. king of
multitasking me think

I would take all the stress
away from you if only
I could

this sounds like me
during exams period

@btchss this sound like
me everyday of my life

ok but you're wearing the
sweater you stole from

shut up im sad

@chimjimin95 eye-


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The story is ending real soon but I'm already writing some bonus chapters because I'm an emotional bitch and I'm not ready to let this story go yet lmao

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