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Jeongguk sighed, drinking the weird substance in his glass. The show was over and the worst part of the night started: the party. It was usually kind of boring, only celebrities allowed, full of people who wanted to meet you just because of your job or your money.
But that night, maybe, was going to be a little better. Hoseok was coming with a big smile and a drink in his hand.

- Hey Gguk, having fun? -
- I don't know if "fun" is the right word - the younger answered with an ironic smile.
- Oh, come on! Let me introduce you to my friends -

Hoseok took his hand and carried him trough the crowd.
Jeongguk's eyes lit up when he saw a certain boy who was facing Namjoon, talking to him. He recognized him in a second.

- Tae? This is Jeongguk, the friend I talked to you about -
The boy turned, smiling soon after. Jeongguk frooze for a couple of seconds, amazed. Taehyung was even more beautiful in real life.
His eyes were long and sharp, his mouth had a cute boxy shape when he smiled and for some reasons Jeongguk was getting obsessed over the mole on his nose.

- Hi - Taehyung greeted him, a little shyly. Jeoungguk somehow managed to not melt and shook his hand, smiling back.

- Hi -

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