They had her. You needed to save her, to help her.

Your eyes felt heavy and they teared up, but you wiped your tears away with the sleeve of your oversized shirt. 

And, if you can get into this and gain their trust, you might be able to discover things all scientists around the whole world want to discover. 

Something about aliens. 

You had a feeling that something in this was related to the news of the alien thing. 

Nevertheless, you decided to brush it off and have a good sleep for 20 mins. 

- Unknown's POV - (3rd person) 

Earlier this morning.

Irene was out in the sun, sitting on a bench in a nearby park, crying. That's when she heard footsteps and immediately rose up from her sitting position and looked at where the footsteps were coming from. 

It was him. 

Irene immediately put a hand in front of her chest, indicating him to stop. "Why are you here?" was the first thing she asked. 

"That's not important. Irene, please listen to me." The male voice spoke, a hurtful emotion tracing his tone. 

"I asked, why are you here?" She repeated and was just about to step back when he did something very surprising. 

He pulled her into a tight hug, holding her as if she will get kidnapped this instant. 

She froze for a second, before she considered hugging back. But no, she didn't 

Why would she? It was him, who broke it off. Who ended it all. And now here, he was, hugging her. She was absolutely disgusted. 

Irene hoped, and prayed that the days could come back.

The days when they were together, when they were happy because of each other. 

"NO!" She yelled, and pulled herself away, now beginning to miss the warmth and comfort of his body. "Why, why are you here?! Didn't you say, you wanted to break up with me, because I was too good for you, because I wasn't your type?" She yelled once again. "DIDN'T YOU?" 

"I did!" He yelled back. "but you don't know the reason, do you? Do you know how dangerous my work is? Do you know how many times I could've lost you because of my forced job? Do you know, how hard it was, for me to give up you? I didn't give up on my wish, Irene. I did it for you, for your safety."

She froze. "How do I believe you?" She asked. 

"People have been asking that a lot these days." He murmured to himself. 

"because i love you." He spoke, in a clear, loud tone. 

And, the rest remains a mystery. 

- Your POV - (2nd person) 

Your alarm clock rang so fucking loudly that you could swear you could've gone deaf right on the spot. You shifted in your bed until your leg took over the spot of where your torso was, just a second ago and then you kicked the alarm clock off, sending it flying to the bathroom. 

Fortunately, the door to the bathroom was open or else you'd have caused serious damage to both the alarm clock and the door. 

Well, yes, your leg was powerful. Where the fuck does the amount of food you eat go?

The alarm was still ringing, but it suddenly stopped ringing. 

You got up from your sleeping position unwillingly and walked over to the bathroom to see if the alarm clock successfully landed inside the shitting machine or not, but unfortunately, it didn't.  

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