5 : run away

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"She can't possibly already be an alien, can she?" 


"WHAT THE FUCK? I'M A FUCKASS ALIEN??" You screech, getting up from your position to glare at the guys. 

The tallest guy backs away, gesturing with his hands for you to stop coming to kill him. 

You remember a banana being in your jean's right pocket, and you throw it right at his face. 

Well....you intended to throw it right at his face. 

He backs away, pushing the gaehyun guy forward instead of him. And just like that, your rotten banana slapped him harshly on the cheek. 

"Woa, woa, what the fuck? Girl gets back from the dead and starts throwing rotten bananas everywhere?" He says, shoving the banana from his face and right back at you. 

You decide to ignore his rude remark about your precious banana and cut straight to the cheese. "I'm not a fucking alien, am I?" You say, voice deadly serious now.

What had happened? You were spending one of your normal days at the cafe, you heard your best friend scream, you followed the direction of the scream, and now you're discovering that you're a fucking alien? All in just a span of time? What the actual fuck? 

You see those guys looking everywhere except you. "Answer me." You say, in the same deadly tone. 

"Who u talking to?" Asks the tall guy. 

"Ohh, no one, just the towel hanging on that hanger over there." You scoff. 

"Alright, listen up, I know this seems sudden, but, we're not bad guys. We're currently very busy, so you'll have to meet up with us some other day. I'll tell you the address and shit, now go fuck off." Says the Tae guy. 

"Yea, clearly ya'll aren't bad guys, very convinceable." You state. "Also, how am i going to get your address and shit? You don't even have my phone number." 

"Just go fuck off already, I have my ways." Smirks the Tae guy, looking at you as if he's seen you somewhere else. You notice a slight frown on his forehead, but decide to shake it off. (A/N: SHAKE IT OFF SHAKE IT oFF WoHjOO) 

You decided it was the best to leave now and avoid trouble, but the first thing that came to your mind was - Lisa. 

"Hey." You said, turning around. "You haven't told me where the fuck Lisa is. I swear to fucking Obama, if anything happens to her,-" You literally crack your knuckles. "I'm gonna fucking cut both of your asses in two and send it to Africa in a cardboard box." 

"we're not gonna do anything to her." Says the tall guy, keeping a straight face. "She's gonna be safe." 

"And how do i believe you guys?" You ask.

"We're not fucking asses, that's all i can say. You should trust us, it's your bad if you don't." Says the Tae guy. 

"Shh, V." Tall guy 233.86 says. 

You didn't know why and how you could trust them, but yes, they did seem honest. You decided to trust them, seeing as they weren't in the process of killing you and burying you yet. 

You make your way outside as you mentally note the place's address. That's when you remember you left Mark inside. 


Hi guys! Finally an update after like what - 7 days? I don't know if anyone actually reads this fanfic, because no one votes. If any of my nonexistent readers want me to continue with this, please comment down below! and, sorry for the short chapter, i'm really packed up with online classes lmao. ALSO FUCKFUFKCUFJKKFUFK IT'S OUR GOLDEN MAKNAE'S BIRTHDAY IM SCREAMING AND THEY TOPPED THE BILLBOARD HOT 100 CHART OM,GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG AND THEY ALSO PERFORMED AT THE VMAS SO MUCH HAPPENED IN FEW DAYS, WE'RE LITERALLY THE MOST SPOILED FANDOM OMFFGGG

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