Twenty-Eight: Brooke

Start from the beginning

He sounds like he's trying to console me. I frown at my plate, confused. Edgar's never tried to be nice to other people before. Perhaps being away from Isaac has made him a better person. 

I sigh and shake my head, "Let's be honest here Edgar. If he'd come, Clara might have thought that she could transfer too. He's teaching Clara a lesson. If you transfer, you get no family." 

Edgar frowns, "I hadn't thought of it like that." 

I flush, suddenly realising that dumb-Brooke would never have come to that assumption. But then I remember that it probably doesn't matter as Edgar is going to be cut anyway. I just shrug.  

There's another pause, before Edgar asks, "How old is your sister?" 

"Twelve," I reply, promptly. 

"So she's going to transfer in, what, four years?" He asks, "I wonder what she'll pick. Just imagine if she follows your example." I try to smile at him but I inwardly grimace. If this is Edgar's way of trying to comfort people, he's hopeless at it. He's probably trying to not to think of his own parents, who've failed to come. 

Quickly, I scan the room for a way to get the conversation away from my family. 

"Looks like their families didn't come either," I say, nodding at Cassie and Phoebe, who I see are eating on the the other side of the Cafeteria. 

"Yeah," Edgar says, and then bites his lip. And I suddenly remember that it's common knowledge that it's him, Cassie and Phoebe who are near the bottom of the ranks. 

I wince, and then spot something else to talk about. "I think this cake is like a Dauntless speciality," I say, prodding it with my fork, "Did we have something like that at home?"

Edgar smirks, "Ice-cream."

And we spend the next few minutes reminiscing about Candor ice-cream. Eventually, we are joined by Isaac, who decides to remind us about our own families by spitefully bragging about how wonderful his dad is. 

It's almost a relief, when later that evening, we are called into our dorm to be shown the rankings. 

"Listen up, everyone," says Amar, "I'm about to reveal the rankings for the end of stage one. Remember, if you are ranked in the last four places, that does not necessarily mean you'll be cut as it all depends on how the Dauntless did. Stage Two is ranked more heavily that stage one, so your rank can change in the next stage, but the lower you are ranked, the harder it will be to get to the top. Is that clear?" 

His eyes rake ours, settling on Plato for a few seconds who gives him a subtle nod. I quickly glance at Isaac to see if he noticed the silent brief conversation, but his gaze is fixed eagerly on the board beside Amar. "Ok," Amar continues," I'm putting you out of your misery now. Here are your rankings." And he steps to the side so we can see the list of names on the board. 

1. Isaac  

No surprise there. 

2. Jo 

3. Brooke

I had been aiming for an average score, but with Isaac's training and needing to fit in with him and Edgar, that had been impossible. Still, at least I'm not first. 

4. Plato

Even though, admittedly, my first thought is about my score, I'm glad that he's fourth. It's not a major give away of his Divergence, meaning that he does have a chance of surviving. After all, no one Abnegation would beat up other people. But my eyes brush past his name, immediately searching for hers...

5. Dex

...and there she is. Fifth. I feel an inward sigh of relief as I realise that she won't be cut. I quickly scan the list of names. 

6. Sam

7. Amy

8. Cassie

9. Phoebe

10. Edgar

Edgar never really stood a chance. I glance at him and see that he's staring at the board in shock, as if seeing his place written down makes it so much worse. Standing next to him is Isaac, with a satisfied smirk on his face. A strangled sound comes from Edgar's throat and he sprints out of the room, the rest of us staring after him. 

The others begin to chat amongst themselves, with Cassie and Phoebe hugging the others and Plato consoling Amy, who's clearly worried that she might be cut too. 

Suddenly, Isaac grabs me by the arm, "I want to see you in the Pit in an hour's time. I'll be at the bar." I nod, stunned, and he walks off quickly. Confused, I make my way into the Cafeteria to get food. It feels heavy in my throat as I eat it, as anxiety over what Isaac has to say overcomes me. 

Finally, after an hour of worry creeps by, I make my way into the Pit and spot Isaac at the bar. He has an untouched drink on the table in front of him. 

He nods at me as I sit down. His blue eyes survey me for a moment before he smirks and says, "We shouldn't be overheard over here. Particularly with the loud music. And with Edgar finally out the way, I can tell you."

"Tell me what?" I ask, confused, but my heart begins to beat faster. I can't help but feel scared when I'm alone with him. 

"I've had a mission ever since I entered Dauntless," he begins, "My sole aim is to become a Dauntless leader." He pauses, his eyes staring into mine, as if to let that information sink in. And I suddenly remember that he believes he hasn't told me yet. How could he after being that drunk?

 I pretend to widen my eyes and then smile falsely, "Well you've always been the best of us. I doubt any of the others have the guts to be a Dauntless leader like you."

His eyes narrow thoughtfully and then he says, "Precisely." He pauses as a barman brings me a drink even though I didn't ask for it. Isaac pushes it towards me and drums his fingers on the table. Then he says suddenly, "But I also need to become a Dauntless leader to eradicate all of the Divergents in Dauntless."

I can't speak. I'm in shock. He's here to kill Divergents. People like me?

Isaac's mouth twists into a smile, "Starting with out fellow Initiates."

My heart quickens even more as he begins to lean in towards me. Does he know who-what-I am?

Is this why Erudite wants to control Dauntless-to remove all Divergents? 

 I already feel on edge, but Isaac's next words are enough to send shivers down my spine.

"And you Brookie," he says, using Edgar's nickname for me, "Are going to help me."

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