Seventeen: Brooke

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We stand in the cold waiting for the train to arrive to take us to Amity. I wrap my arms around me and bounce up and down to keep warm. 

"Why do we have to get up so early?" Edgar whines. 

"Oh shut up," Isaac snaps, annoyed from the lack of sleep he's got, "That's the fifth time you've said that this morning."

"That's because Dauntless is stupid," grumbles Edgar. 

"Shut up," Isaac repeats. 

"Alright Initiates," Amar barks, "The train should be here in the next minute. I hope you're all warmed up because you need to get ready to run!"

"Great," says Edgar sarcastically, "More running. "

"What part of 'Shut up' do you not understand?" growls Isaac. We begin to jog on the stop, as the train begins to approach from behind us. My muscles complain from all the fighting we've done recently as I force myself into a run. 

With a gasp, I manage to throw myself onto the train, and Isaac, who's already on board, helps me up. 

"Thanks," I smile. 

"No problem," he says, his face expressionless other than his calculating cold eyes. The three of us head over to some of the seats in the train and sit down before anyone else can. 

Cassie, Sam and April jump onto the train, followed by Plato and Amy. Amy trips and falls into Cassie, forcing her to fall onto the ground. 

As she lies there for a few seconds, embarrassed, Isaac begins to laugh. A high-pitched almost-maniacal laugh. Edgar joins in, his low bass clashing with Isaac's voice. I laugh too, my voice sounding odd to my own ears. 

Cassie gets up and turns the humiliation she's clearly feeling onto Amy, "Way to to ruin my day, Stiff. "

"It wasn't my fault you fell," Amy retorts hotly. 

Sam glares at me, Isaac and Edgar, "Leave Cass alone."

Isaac smirks, "What will you do if we don't?" Sam raises a fist. Isaac just laughs, "Right. As if that would work against me. "

Plato grabs Sam and tries to pull him back. 

"That's right," Edgar jeers, "Run."

"Cowards," I smirk and force myself to laugh. 

April moves to Sam's and Plato's side and glares at us. Plato attempts to grab her but she brushes him off. 

"Leave my friends alone," she growls. 

"Or what ?" Isaac asks. Sam twists himself out of Plato's grasp and moves to stand beside April. Both of them raise their fists and adopt a fighting stance. Edgar shrinks in his chair, but Isaac just smirks, stands up to his full height and raise his too. I copy, whilst Plato hesitates for a moment and then goes to join Sam and April. 

"Three against two," April says, "We all know Edgar can't fight."

"I could take out all three of you easily," Isaac smirks. 

"I'd like to see you try," Sam says, and then grins as Amy, clearly fed up with her argument with Cassie, joins the three of them. Cassie just stands behind them watching. 

For a moment, it looks like a free-for-all is about to take place on the train, but at the moment Amar moves away from where he was talking with Jo and Phoebe and surveys the situation. 

"What's going on here?" he demands, his eyes glancing in between mine and April's group. 

"They laughed at Cass," Sam says, his green eyes still glaring at us, even though his cheeks are flushed with embarrassment. 

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